Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God

Trinity Baptist Church Welcomes Chris and Valerie Haynes

On September 9th, Trinity Baptist Church unanimously voted to call Chris Haynes to join the...

Confusing Verses?

Here is a question that I answered recently, which I thought might be helpful to...

Healing: A Biblical Perspective

The following is intended to summarize our seven week study of the biblical teaching on...

Velvet Elvis: Not Worth Having!

Years ago when Gina and I were first married, I passed by an art display–I...

Coming in View of a Call

The elders are excited about recommending Chris Haynes to serve as Minister of Ministry Development...

Shall This Plebe Return a Prince?

Well, by the Grace of God, and your love and support, we are off to...

The Oxford Round Table: Thank you

Soon we will be leaving for England, and we could not have done it without...

The Baptist Faith and Message: “Our Only Consensus Statement of Doctrinal Beliefs”??

Messengers to the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention approved a motion June 12...

Why Religious Ideas Matter: Even in Public Debate

As you probably have heard, I am going to be a participant again in the...

VBS—Very Best Servants

Oh I know, VBS means Vacation Bible School; but each time I see our VBS,...
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