Books By Ronnie W. Rogers

If Only You Would Ask
We can know that if we pray, some outcomes will be different than if we do not pray because God made many promises conditioned on whether we ask. These promises relate to a galaxy of concerns and needs that are important to us and God, such as faithfully serving God and experiencing his blessings in our life, health, marriage, children, family, and job. If we fail to pray about everything as the Scripture commands (Phil 4:6), we will enter heaven and learn there were many things God would have done in and through us if only we would have asked!
Sadly, Calvinism’s determinism has turned these wonderful promises into nothing more than a promise that God will do what he predetermined to do regardless of whether we pray or not. Do not allow Calvinism’s deterministic beliefs and distortions of Scripture to rob you of this blessed intimate prayer relationship with God.
“Ronnie Rogers dives into the complexities of prayer and simplifies it for the church. He asks profound theological questions that have a direct bearing upon the lives of the readers: ‘If God is in sovereign control of everything, and if he is omniscient (foreknows the future), how can our prayers change things? How can we change tomorrow by praying if God already knows what is going to happen?’ . . . Ronnie reviews pertinent Scriptures on prayer to delve deep into the heart of God . . . Ronnie answers his own questions with profound insight. This book is a must-read for those seeking to know the heart of God through prayer!”
Marvin Jones, President of Montana Christian College
This book is available at Amazon and Wipf & Stock Publishers

A Corruption of Consequence
I have written this very readable book to help Christians and pastors understand cultural Marxism and its influence on social justice, critical race theory, intersectionality, and to understand the clear and present danger to the gospel, Christianity, and America. Because, Marxian social justice poses an imminent and grave threat to every American, including our children and grandchildren. It will take an informed and courageous church to stand against cultural Marxism’s advance under the guise of social justice.
Why read this book? Because there is a grave danger that lurks behind the seemingly friendly term of social justice. Contemporary social justice endangers our country, families, and, most importantly, the gospel of Jesus Christ. Social justice is, in many ways, a euphemism for cultural Marxism. What has made its threat even more treacherous is that cultural Marxism ideas have made their way into conservative evangelicalism and the Southern Baptist Convention. If Christians believe that social justice is the same as God’s impartial justice, they will unintentionally facilitate godless Marxism. They will be instruments of corrupting the gospel of Jesus Christ. This book provides a biblical critique and understanding of social justice, which prepares Christians to stand firm against the culture and for God’s impartial justice, truth, love, and the gospel.
“Ronnie addresses Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, and Woke in a straightforward, benevolent, and respectful tone . . . this volume is a must-read.”
Mark H. Ballard, Ph.D., President/Founder of Northeastern Baptist College
This book is available at Amazon and Wipf and Stock Publishers.

Does God Love All or Some?
Includes thirty-four chapters that address Calvinist arguments such as libertarian freedom undermines God’s sovereignty, rejecting Calvinism requires a weak view of depravity, and what about those who never hear the gospel? I show how we know God’s salvific love is Extensive, extends to every person, rather than limited to Calvinism’s exclusive group, the unconditionally elected. I establish how we know God gives every person an opportunity to be saved, and how human acts like prayer really can affect a person’s salvation, something which true Calvinism precludes.
I demonstrate true Calvinism is internally and biblically inconsistent by exploring such things as how the good faith offer is a really a bad deception, God is inescapably the ultimate cause of all sin, Calvinism’s commitment to compatible moral freedom means every prayer, act, or proclamation that even hints at being able to change outcomes or involve a choice between accessible options contradicts true Calvinism, faith does not precede regeneration in Scripture and the analogy of human death cannot be used to demonstrate it does, reprobation is not necessary to demonstrate God’s holiness, God does not have two wills, and the doctrines of grace do seriously affect evangelism.
Dr. David Allen, professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, says, “This is probably the most penetrating summary critique of the biblical, theological, logical, and practical incongruences inherent in Calvinistic theology I have read.”
This book is available at Amazon and Wipf and Stock Publishers.

The Vulgarization of Christ’s Church
Seeks to clarify and demonstrate the incalculable and injurious influence that progressive education has had and is having upon preaching, thinking Christianly, and the local church. Progressive education began at the turn of the twentieth century, replacing classical education with what is purportedly a science-based education, which necessarily results in scientism. This seismic shift in public education has not only affected what we learn but how we think. In order to enable the church to detect progressivism’s deleterious sway and protect herself by being equipped with the progressive revelation of God, and thereby counter the influence of the progressive education of man, I seek to highlight some of the underlying intolerable essentials of progressive education. My major concern regarding progressive education is that the vast majority of Christians can be or are unknowingly facilitating the very philosophy of education and thinking in the church that will ultimately cause Christianity to be regarded as the scourge of modern society, which will immeasurably complicate the task of evangelism and discipleship.
In the companion book to this one, The Equipping Church: Somewhere Between Fundamentalism and Fluff, I explain the biblical model for the local church and how to build such a church.
Copies are available at and

The Equipping Church
Author and pastor Ronnie W. Rogers demonstrates that the New Testament church model—neither pragmatic fluff nor sterile traditionalism—is an equipping, engaging, and evangelistic church, which is primarily based upon Matthew 28:18-20 and Ephesians 4:11-16. Rogers believes the contemporary vs. traditional debate should be replaced by asking whether or not a church is substantively equipping believers to honor God with their lives and to advance the kingdom by engaging and evangelizing their world as prescribed by the New Testament.
Rogers sets forth the elements necessary to transition a church from stifling, dead traditionalism or the shallowness often associated with the contemporary model to an equipping church and speaks to those who desire to build New Testament churches that honor God first.
Copies are available from and WestBow Press.

Reflections of a Disenchanted Calvinist: The Disquieting Realities of Calvinism
Engages one of the classical strands of Protestant thought with the classical strength of Protestantism—shedding the light of the Scriptures on the questions of the faith. This book leads readers through the intricacies of Calvinist thought, touching on such topics as the sovereignty of God, predestination, unconditional election, the origin of evil, free will, and faith and works. The intent of this journey is to provide a critique of Calvinism and to present readers with a clear picture of the ramifications of subscribing to Calvinist doctrines. Chapters address particular theological topics by stating both affirmations rooted in the Scriptures and disaffirmations drawing their support from the Scriptures as well. The lines of thought do not shy away from complex theological questions, but instead rely upon the riches of theological reflection to assure the critiques of Calvinism are fair both to the doctrines and to the Scriptures. If you are a part of the Calvinist tradition and want to explore the nuances of your background, or if you locate yourself outside of that tradition but have a deep curiosity about the questions the Calvinist tradition raises, then Reflections of a Disenchanted Calvinist: The Disquieting Realities of Calvinism offers a rigorous guide to exploring the depths of the tradition and critique of the tenets of Calvinism.
Copies are available at and WestBow Press.

The Death of Man as Man: The Rise and Decline of Liberty
Argues that science is incapable of establishing or sustaining the liberties spelled out in the Declaration of Independence and protected by the Constitution. Limiting religious knowledge to mere opinion, while concurrently limiting all publicly imposable knowledge to what is scientifically demonstrable, necessarily transmogrifies science into naturalism. Without a public belief in the existence of God, all talk of unalienable rights is quixotic and assures the continuation of the heretofore unabated evanescing of those rights.
“Ronnie W. Rogers has given us a viable alternative to the separation model . . . this book . . . should be in the hands of lawmakers at the town and county, state, and national levels.”
Dr. Larry E. Toothaker, Ph.D.
David Ross Boyd Professor of Psychology, Emeritus, University of Oklahoma
Copies are available at and WestBow Press.

Undermining the Gospel, The Case and Guide for Church Discipline
Argues for the essential role of church discipline in the life of the local church based on theological and historical considerations and provides a practical guide for practicing church discipline in the local church, which the author has done for over two decades.
“Pastor Ronnie Rogers’ superb volume on discipline . . . has provided the most detailed study that to my knowledge has been written in recent years.”
Dr. Paige Patterson, President of Southwestern Seminary.
This book was updated in 2015 and is available from and WestBow Press.
books I've contributed to
Does It Still Matter? Essays in Honor of The Conservative Resurgence
This book, edited by Mark H. Ballard and Timothy K. Christian, celebrates the changes that began in 1979 and culminated in a revised Baptist Faith and Message in 2000, with a clear affirmation of the Bible as divinely inspired and fully inerrant, infallible, and authorative. As a result, America's largest Protestant church family stopped the liberal drift of its agencies, entities, and education institutions.
The question of this book is, do the doctrinal issues that sparked such controversy back then still matter? My chapter is entitled, "Does the Local Church Still Matter?" Published by NEB Press in 2022, I encourage you to read a copy.
Christianity and American Culture Today: Essays in Honor of Richard D. Land
Melton B. Winstead compiled the chapters in this book to demonstrate the relevance of God's Word to American culture. The chapters are designed to encourage you to be a beacon of light in a society where relativism offers no clear path to truth.
My chapter is "Social Justice in Light of Scripture." The book is published by Northeastern Baptist Press in 2022. It is a good encouragement to be salt and light wherever God has placed you.
Anyone Can Be Saved: A Defense of “Traditional” Southern Baptist Soteriology
In 2012, A Statement of The Traditional Southern Baptist Understanding of God’s Plan of Salvation (TS) was published, circulated, and has now been signed by over eleven hundred past presidents of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), state executive directors, seminary presidents, professors, pastors, ministry leaders, and lay people in the SBC. The term traditional signified a historical non-Calvinist Baptist theology within the SBC and is used accordingly in the TS and this book.
Anyone Can Be Saved, edited by David L. Allen, Eric Hankins, and Adam Hardwood, serves as an explanation and defense of each of the ten articles of the TS. It also includes a response to some criticisms of the TS along with an exploration of various models for handling sovereignty, determinism, and human freedom. It includes chapters on The Gospel, The Sinfulness of Man, The Atonement of Christ, The Grace of God, The Regeneration of the Sinner, Election to Salvation, The Sovereignty of God, The Free Will of Man, The Security of the Believer, and The Great Commission. Each chapter is written by a Southern Baptist professor, pastor, or ministry leader. My contribution is a commentary on Article Five, The Regeneration of the Sinner.
This book is essential for understanding the true biblical reasoning and support for the wording of the TS. The authors are not constrained by the typical Arminian and Calvinism juxtaposition, only the Scripture. While both Arminians and Calvinists will find agreement with some of the theology of the book, the authors are neither constrained by nor obligated to either. They are only obligated to the Scripture. It was published by Wipf & Stock in 2016.
other resources

Clashing of the Swords of Christianity and Islam
Since September 11, 2001, questions and commentaries concerning Islam have been voluminous. Unfortunately, much of the commentary is devoid of any historical or religious context, skewed by political correctness and beclouded by Muslim apologists, as well as being mischaracterized by clichés and naïve statements like “Islam is a peaceful religion.”
The Clashing of Swords sets the record straight concerning the religious and political nature, tactics, and aspirations of Islam as well as equips Christians to be able to communicate the truth to Muslims about Christianity and to the world about Islam in light of the Bible.
Email [email protected] to purchase this audio sermon series. Available in mp3 or CD format.
Oxford Round Table
A Presentation to the Oxford Round Table on Religion, Education, and the Role of Government August 18, 2004
Precis: Government Policy Toward Teaching Religion in State Schools, 2004
Paper: Government Policy Toward Teaching Religion in State Schools, 2004
A Presentation to the Oxford Round Table on Religion, Education, Public Schools and Politics: Is There Common Ground? August 2, 2007
Precis: The Decline of Religion in Public Education and The Decline of Public Education, 2007
Paper: The Decline of Religion in Public Education and The Decline of Public Education, 2007
The Round Table, 2010, 2013 “A Proposal for a Proportional Accommodation and Appreciation Model for Governing the Relationship of Church and State,” which served as the basis for the book, The Death of Man as Man: The Rise and Decline of Liberty.