Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God

Sexual Abuse in the Church!

Everyone by now is aware of the child abuse that not only went on in...

True Worshipers, Not Just Worshipers

I spoke at Paradigm last Thursday night on the subject of worship. I reminded them...

The Deity of Christ – Undeniable!

Undeniable should not be taken to mean that no one denies Christ is God. One...

The Message of Mormonism

When anyone sees two young men riding bicycles and wearing white shirts and black ties,...

The High Cost of Reading

In today's Crimson, the deans at Harvard urge professors to work at lowering the cost...

Thank You, Men!

I just finished reading each of the notes that you wrote me expressing your gratitude...

Disciplined: Then What?

Sometimes members of our church are unclear concerning how to relate to a person who...

Church Discipline—We Are Not Alone

We recently had to bring three of our members before the church for church discipline....

Cheerful Giving!!!

"Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or...

Our Students and Spring Break

Many of our students will be spending their spring break with the BSU at our...