Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God
Think About IT: Morals Do Not Matter, What We Need Are Better Calculators
I guess the experts were right, people's morals really don't affect their job, I mean...
Think About IT: Can Abortion Be Compared to Nazism?
Pro-lifers often draw parallels between the pro-abortion position, Nazi extermination of the Jews, and the...
Think About IT: The Monkey Has Left His Cage
Those of you who know me, know that I am deeply concerned about the pervasiveness...
Think about IT: Does Infidelity to a Spouse Relate to Politics?
We are often told that a person's personal life should not influence whether a voter...
Think About IT: Concise and to the Point, I Promise!
Those of you who know me know that I am not a first draft writer–meaning...
Think About IT: Governor Sarah Palin; Can She, Will She, Should She?
As one who cannot vote for Barack Obama because of his pro-abortion position, economic socialism,...
Think About IT: Bristol Is with Child; Therefore, Abstinence Doesn’t Work. REALLY?
The pro-abortionists were ever so quick to capitalize upon the pregnancy of seventeen-year-old Bristol Palin...
A Day Is a Day Is a Day – Why of Course: Unless That Day Challenges Darwinism!
Genesis has been a battleground for some time, and today is no different. This is...