Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God
The Evidences of Concern within the Southern Baptist Convention
I am a member of the Conservative Baptist Network (CBN), which is composed of Christians...
Faith Precedes Regeneration and Revelation Precedes Faith: John Chapters 6, 3, and Matthew 27:42
Salvation begins with God revealing Himself to man. Man cannot find God unless He reveals...
Homosexuality: The Sin Is the Act and Desire
Sometimes a homosexual or someone who claims to be "same-sex attracted" will, when they claim...
What about Those Who Never Hear the Gospel: Foreordination versus Foreknowledge
InPart 1,we looked at the Calvinist argument that is supposed to demonstrate that Extensivists (non-Calvinists)...
What about Those Who Never Hear the Gospel: The New Testament
In Part 1 we looked at the Calvinist argument that is supposed to demonstrate that...
What about Those Who Never Hear the Gospel: The Old Testament
In Part 1 we looked at the argument that is supposed to demonstrate Extensivists (non-Calvinists)...