Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God

The Evidences of Concern within the Southern Baptist Convention

I am a member of the Conservative Baptist Network (CBN), which is composed of Christians...

Faith Precedes Regeneration and Revelation Precedes Faith: John Chapters 6, 3, and Matthew 27:42

Salvation begins with God revealing Himself to man. Man cannot find God unless He reveals...

Marxism in Our Public Education: For Real!

Marxist Paulo Freire is one of the most influential critical pedagogues. Critical theory, developed by...

Homosexuality: The Sin Is the Act and Desire

Sometimes a homosexual or someone who claims to be "same-sex attracted" will, when they claim...

Marxism and Critical Race Theory Have Taken Aim At Your Child and Your Church

Pedagogy is the study and theory of education. It establishes the methods educators use to...

What about Those Who Never Hear the Gospel: Foreordination versus Foreknowledge

InPart 1,we looked at the Calvinist argument that is supposed to demonstrate that Extensivists (non-Calvinists)...

What about Those Who Never Hear the Gospel: The New Testament

In Part 1 we looked at the Calvinist argument that is supposed to demonstrate that...

What about Those Who Never Hear the Gospel: The Old Testament

In Part 1 we looked at the argument that is supposed to demonstrate Extensivists (non-Calvinists)...

What about Those Who Never Hear the Gospel: Analyzing the Argument

This is the first article in a four-part series. In this article, I address the...

The End of Roe vs. Wade, Thanksgiving

Yes, there will continue to be pro-life battles to fight. But today, I celebrate the...
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