Welcome to America’s Alternative Universe: The Banishment of Objectivity

America continues to move further away from our foundational values of faith in God and the rule of objective law based upon objective facts. We are now being required more and more to live in a society where we must daily transition in and out of the universe of objective reality into an alternative universe where subjectivity is supreme. In a growing number of areas, the rule of objectivity, rationality, and empirical evidence is being replaced by the subjective rule of personal feelings. Of course, human perceptions vary by the individual, but now we are being pressured to make some such feelings into laws, with punishment for violators.

Many of us have written voluminously, demonstrating the Judeo-Christian foundation of American society. Our culture has deep roots in Scripture and a strong influence from the Enlightenment, much of which Christianity disagrees with, but not all.[1] For example, they agree on reason, logic, free speech, equal rights under the law, the rule of law, and objectivity, and that there can be extant neutrality of law and in our constitution.

Critical legal theory (CLT) and critical race theory (CRT) reject the above-stated consensus of Christianity, the Enlightenment, and the general notion of objectivity. That is the reasoning behind CLT and CRT’s strong belief in storytelling; a person’s testimony carries greater weight than the rule of law and objectivity. Inherent in their perspective is the belief in standpoint epistemology, which contends that a person can know primarily, or even only, according to their place in social history.[2] They go so far as to degrade equal rights and characterize them as oppressive. While all claims to objectivity are not absolute, as Thomas Kuhn demonstrated in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, we have, as a society, considered that objectivity does exist. And that only objective facts can be the basis of objective law and societal order.

Derrick Bell, a former Harvard law professor, is the father of CLT. He emphasized significantly basing law on storytelling. Storytelling is seeking to frame laws and outcomes based on stories or a person’s testimony. We have always recognized storytelling and personal testimonies as having a place in influencing the law. Still, since they are subjective, they had to be corroborated by objective evidence and evaluated by a jury of peers. But CLT’s view and use of storytelling moves us more toward subjectivity, superseding objectivity. Everything is a construct in CLT and its offspring CRT, and objectivity is either non-existent or unknowable.[3] Trusting a person’s story as essential or even the weightiest aspect of knowing the truth is based on standpoint epistemology.

Mari Matsuda contributed to the book Critical Race Theory: The Writings That Formed the Movement and was also at the founding meeting of CRT in 1989.[4] Matsuda says, “Critical legal scholars disparage traditional sources of norms such as the market system, the pluralist tradition, and classical liberalism.”[5] Classical liberalism is not to be confused with mere political liberalism; classical, as mentioned, believes in equal rights under the law, the rule of law, and objectivity, and that there can be extant neutrality of law and in our constitution, which is what Matsuda is disparaging. Like the others I mentioned, Matsuda is a lawyer and law professor strengthening the connection between CRT and CLT.

Critical race theorists, Richard Delgado, and Jean Stefancic, say, “The critical race theory (CRT) movement is a collection of activists and scholars engaged in studying and transforming the relationship among race, racism, and power . . . Unlike traditional civil rights discourse, which stresses incrementalism and step-by-step progress, critical race theory questions the very foundations of the liberal order, including equality theory, legal reasoning, Enlightenment rationalism, and neutral principles of constitutional law”[6] (italics added).

Delgado also contributed to the writings that formed the CRT movement, and he was at the workshop in 1989 in which the CRT movement had its genesis. Resultantly he is one of the founders of CRT. He and Stefancic wrote an influential book Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, and they have been actively writing, speaking, and editing other CRT works.

Writing of Bell and CRT’s Marxist connections, Will Oremus says, “Derrick Bell and other legal scholars began using the phrase’ critical race theory’ in the 1970s as a takeoff on ‘critical legal theory,’ a branch of legal scholarship that challenges the validity of concepts such as rationality, objective truth, and judicial neutrality. Critical legal theory was itself a takeoff on critical theory, a philosophical framework with roots in Marxist thought.”[7] He is correct in his understanding that CLT came from critical theory, which neo-Marxists Max Horkheimer and Theodore Adorno formalized; we may add that CRT came from CLT and, therefore, from Marxist critical theory.

Kimberly Crenshaw, another founder of CLT and CRT, and other critical legal theorists clear away practically all objectivity that could get in the way of accepting a personal story as truth. She says,

“Critical Legal Studies movement with which we are often allied–rejects the prevailing orthodoxy that scholarships should be or could be ‘neutral’ and ‘objective.’ We believe that legal scholarship about race in America can never be written from a distance of detachment or with an attitude of objectivity. To the extent that racial power is exercised legally and ideologically, legal scholarship about race is an important site for the construction of that power, and thus is always a factor, if ‘only’ ideologically, in the economy of racial power itself. Scholarship–the formal production, identification, and organization of what will be called ‘knowledge’ – is inevitably political.”[8]

Therefore, truth and objectivity become non-existent or unknowable. One’s subjective experience, storytelling, replaces objective truth. And this subjective testimony carries the weight that objectivity used to have, so laws, with their accompanying penalties, are based on this subjective testimony. This shift reduces everything to a social construct, power play, a subjective, merely political, and is viewed through the Marxist framework of conflict theory–oppressors vs. the oppressed. This relativism has taken philosophical relativism to a new reality. Following are examples of changes that endanger, in a tragic way, people of all ages, including our children.

This sociological transition of the repudiation of objectivity became prominently displayed with the acceptance and eventual legalization of homosexuality. Even though it substantially contradicts nature, objective facts, Scripture, American history, and law, this led to, or at least accelerated, the decomposition of what constitutes a family. The result is family definitions that can include homosexual married couples with or without adopted children, and now one or more of the participants can consider themselves a trans person.[9]

Even more than homosexuality, identifying as some form of a trans person is an absolute repudiation of definitional objectivity.[10] In this area of not knowing who is a man or a woman, one has to ignore all objectivity and defer to that person’s feelings at the moment. To wit, despite every objective biological fact demonstrating a person is a man, we are demanded to believe that the person is a woman if he says he is. To not do so is to face ridicule and even the penalty of law. Such means we are required to recognize this biological man as a gender woman, even though the very idea of a transperson obfuscates what a woman is.

We are to subject biology to one’s gender, which according to sex expert Jackie Golob, means “gender is how you feel about yourself.”[11] Objective reality is no longer relevant. She writes, “Just because you identify one way at one point in time, does not mean you will always choose that identity, or that your identity won’t shift and evolve.”[12] Globe also says, “Gender is a term that relates to how we feel about ourselves, the way we choose to express our gender through makeup, dresses, high heels, athletic shorts, sneakers, and more.”[13] She further explains. “Our society has convinced us that there are just two options for gender identity, ‘male’ and ‘female,’ based on biological sex. But in reality, there’s more fluidity.”[14] Trans people, like homosexuals, claimed, at first, they only wanted to be left alone to live according to their gender-based feelings, but they did not stop there. As I write this, there are 18 states that have had to enact laws against transgender women competing in women’s sports.[15] These laws are, of course, being challenged.

A further development in this new alternative reality relates to animals. Like the previous areas of law, homosexuality, and transgender people, objectivity is trumped by a person’s feelings. This development refers to the phenomenon in which humans identify as an animal. One such example is lycanthropy, which is “a mental disorder in which the patient believes that he is a wolf or some other nonhuman animal.”[16] Sometimes preoccupation of humans thinking they are an animal is called zoanthropy, which is “a monomania in which a person believes himself changed into an animal and acts like one.”[17] The more well-known term is therian. A therian is someone who mentally or spiritually identifies as an animal.

The most popular term to identify as an animal is furry. Unlike the previous designations of identifying as an animal as a disorder, therians, otherkin, and furries are not so considered. Furscience says, “Furries do not significantly differ from a control group (general population) with regard to their self-esteem, psychological well-being.”[18] Therefore, they advocate not viewing furries as pathological. Furries are most popular among ninth to twelfth graders. In some cases, they seek to be recognized according to their animal identity and be accommodated accordingly in public schools. We hear first-hand reports of some acting this way in public schools in Oklahoma. Thus far, they have not been successful in gaining official recognition.

Most furies are people “who create for themselves an anthropomorphized animal character (fursona) with whom they can identify . . . most furries represent themselves and interact with the fandom using fursonas that represent idealized versions of themselves.”[19] Fandom refers to the furry community, which is global.

According to a Furscience study, “The results found that the majority of furries identify as male, although one-quarter of furries identify as female. Transgender, genderfluid, and non-binary furries are also present at rates considerably higher than observed in the general population.”[20] Notice the significant presence of non-binary furries–people.

Furscience continues, “A small subset of furries (~10%), called ‘therians,’ believe they are spiritually connected to animals, are less than (or more than) 100% human, are an animal trapped in a human body, or were an animal in a former life. Otherkin, like therians, feel spiritually connected to nonhuman species, but the species extend to mystical species, e.g., dragons, griffons [breed of dog], and minotaurs[21] [mythological].”[22] Saying that furries are just kids being kids may have some validity, but it is not so with many, as evidenced by their acting like animals outside of furry conventions and acceptable places. Some also seek to be accepted and accommodated in public as the animal they identify with. The seriousness of the furry phenomena is also highlighted by the presence of therians and otherkin within the furries.

According to Furscience, “More than 75% of furries are under the age of 25. Approximately 84% of furries identify as male, 13% female, and 2.5% are transgender. Furries are predominantly (83.2%) white. Approximately one-third identify as exclusively heterosexual; furries are about five times more likely to identify as exclusively homosexual than the general population. Nearly 60% of the furry fandom reports part-time or full-time enrollment in post-secondary education.”[23] In this more perverse alternative reality, people created in the image of God not only repudiate their created sex-gender (Gen 1:26­–28), but they also abandon their humanity and adopt the lower life form identity of an animal (Gen 1:24–25, 28; 2:18–20). At this deeper level of perversity, a higher percentage identify as homosexual or some form of trans person than the average population. This greater prevalence is unsurprising since the further one moves away from accepting God’s order, the more perverse one becomes.

Another developing alternative reality that seems to demand the same recognition by society is transage or age dysphoria. It is the newest trans phenomenon that undermines objectivity and the rule of law based on objectivity. Transage differs from the birth disorder in which biological sex is confused, called intersex. The National Library of Medicine states, “Intersex is a group of conditions in which there is a discrepancy between the external genitals and the internal genitals (the testes and ovaries).”[24]

However, intersex is extremely rare when adequately defined. Dr. Leonard Sax says, “The term should be restricted to those conditions in which chromosomal sex is inconsistent with phenotypic sex, or in which the phenotype is not classifiable as either male or female. Applying this more precise definition, the true prevalence of intersex is seen to be about 0.018%.”[25] Additionally, transage is not the same as clinical age regression.[26]

“The foundation of the transage claim is that ‘age is a social construct,’ and just because someone might biologically be 18 years old doesn’t necessarily mean they identify with that age.”[27] This thinking is precisely the rationale of homosexuality, trans people, and other associated beliefs that separate gender from biological sex.[28] Of course, this supposition simply accommodates the idea of identifying according to a person’s subjective feelings on that day and requires others to treat them accordingly.

“Transage means a person’s age identity is different than their chronological age or chrono age. Transage people can be any age and are not all younger than their chrono age. Transage[29] people may also fluctuate between ages, be multiple ages or be no specific age.”[30] They generally distinguish between chronological or calendar age and internal age.[31] This means that “the only requirement to be transage is to feel a sincere incongruence between your age identity and your chronological age.”[32] Adele, who claims to have age and gender dysphoria, says, “Age dysphoria is a common experience for transage persons which is related to a mismatch between their age identity (their internal sense of their age/development) and their chronological age (the number of revolutions around the sun since their physical birth).”[33] She further says, “Age dysphoria and gender dysphoria are distinct psychiatric conditions that should not be conflated; however, for many transage people, these experiences occur together.”[34]

With age being nothing more than a social construct where a person can choose their age identity based on how they feel inside (subjectively), we should expect the same push to accept this as homosexuality, transgender, and furry identifications. Such acceptance means there is nothing logically or evidentially to stop a 40-year-old man from identifying as a 15-year-old and having sex with a 15-year-old girl, or even younger if he identifies as a younger age. Or an 18-year-old having sex with a 6-year-old who feels like and identifies as a 20-year-old. Or a girl who is three and identifies as a 20-year-old. Such sexual attraction to children is also known as pedophilia. The term promoted by pedophiles is that someone has a “minor-attracted identity. They lobby as I write for acceptance and laws protecting “virtuous adult and child sexual relationships.” Transage advocates deny such perversions will happen, but remember, we were told that trans people just wanted acceptance–to not be persecuted. But now transmen want to compete in women’s sports. The chants of inclusivity and diversity demand we accept whatever subjective identity one claims today. I saw a video recently where a grown man said it was ok to have sex with a three-year-old as long as the child was willing.

“In one of the most famous examples, a 69-year-old Dutchman petitioned a court to change his birth certificate. Emile Ratelband, 69, wanted to alter his to say he was born on March 11, 1969, rather than 1949 because that was how old he believed he was.”[35] In 2018, “A paedophile in Chicago called Joseph Roman used the alleged medical condition as an excuse for why he allegedly assaulted three girls aged between six and eight as he claimed he was a nine-year-old trapped in a 38-year-old’s body.”[36]

I trust you can see that these perversions are not just amoral, but some extend to being biblically sinful; yet, they are to be accepted as normal as heterosexuality based on objective biology, and their relationships are to be accepted like marriages constituted by people in a heterosexual marriage. Additionally, these trends are often dealt with as though they exist in a linear fashion and, therefore, unrelated. I trust you can see they are all related in being a denial of Scripture and objective reality.

Accepting this alternative America means the further banishment of America as a country with biblical moorings, objectivity, reason, and the evidential rule of law for all. Accepting this alternative reality will lead to an unjust, immoral, and brutal collapse of civil society.

[1] Christianity believes in reason and revelation. Revelation is above reason but not contrary to it. Christianity says there are some things that can only be known by reason, such as the Trinity and the incarnation, but revealed knowledge does not make it against reason. In contrast, the Enlightenment–the part in conflict with Christianity–says that reason is above revelation; to wit, if it cannot be known by reason, it is not knowable.

[2] Standpoint epistemology is the concept that embraces the idea that people can know according to their place in social reality, where they are socially situated. That is to say, a woman can know what a man cannot, and an oppressed person knows what those who have not been oppressed cannot know unless they learn from oppressed people who have the proper standpoint of existential experience–been oppressed. Thus, the importance of someone telling their own story, which is truer and carries more weight if they are socially situated to do so. Truth is not objective truth. Instead of authority residing in the same objective truth for everyone, it resides in the individual’s personal knowledge, perspective, and experience. Thus, to talk knowledgeably, truthfully, and with power about discrimination requires a person who has suffered discrimination. The more discrimination one has suffered, the more power their perspective carries. Those who have not so suffered carry no power in their perspective. When we reject standpoint epistemology, that is not a rejection of the truth that some knowledge is drawn from experience, and the one who had the experience can speak about some things more personally than those who have not had the experience; having the experience gives other insights, but it does not negate or replace objective truth.

[3] I read one critical race theorist who argued that the one objective fact is that oppression is wrong.

[4] As a theory, CRT had been used prior to the 1989 meeting. But it was there that those present decided on the official name of Critical Race Theory and launched it as a movement.

[5] Mari Matsuda, “Looking to the Bottom: Critical Legal Studies and Reparations,” 63, in Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings That Formed the Movement, edited by Kimberlé Crenshaw, et. al. (New York: New Press, 1995).

[6] Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic, Critical Race Theory: An Introduction (New York: New York University Press, 2017), 3.

[7] Will Oremus, “Did Obama Hug a Radical?”, Slate, March 9, 2012, para. 4. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2012/03/derrick-bell-controversy-whats-critical-race-theory-and-is-it-radical.html, accessed 7/1/21.

[8] Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings That Formed the Movement, edited by Kimberlé Crenshaw, et. al. (New York: New Press, 1995), xiii.

[9] While homosexual unions can legally be called marriage in America, I do not believe homosexual unions are marriage according to the Scripture. That is reserved for only heterosexual, monogamous marriages (Gen 1:26–28; 2:18–25).

[10] Relationship expert Sophie Mona Pagès says, “Do not say ‘a trans’ or ‘a transgender.’ Say instead, ‘a trans person,’ ‘a transgender person,’ ‘a trans man,’ or ‘a trans woman'” para. 15 in “Here’s Your Comprehensive Gender Identity List, As Defined By Psychologists And Sex Experts” by Perri O. Blumberg and Emily Becker, July 6, 2002,

https://www.womenshealthmag.com/relationships/a36395721/gender-identity-list/ accessed 3/8/23.

[11] Jackie Golob in para. 9, “Here’s Your Comprehensive Gender Identity List, As Defined By Psychologists And Sex Experts” by Perri O. Blumberg and Emily Becker, July 6, 2002,  https://www.womenshealthmag.com/relationships/a36395721/gender-identity-list/ accessed 3/8/23.

[12] Jackie Golob in para. 8, “Here’s Your Comprehensive Gender Identity List, As Defined By Psychologists And Sex Experts” by Perri O. Blumberg and Emily Becker, July 6, 2002,  https://www.womenshealthmag.com/relationships/a36395721/gender-identity-list/ accessed 3/8/23

[13] Jackie Golob in para. 7, “Here’s Your Comprehensive Gender Identity List, As Defined By Psychologists And Sex Experts” by Perri O. Blumberg and Emily Becker, July 6, 2002,  https://www.womenshealthmag.com/relationships/a36395721/gender-identity-list/ accessed 3/8/23.

[14] Perri O. Blumberg and Emily Becker, “Here’s Your Comprehensive Gender Identity List, As Defined By Psychologists And Sex Experts,” July 6, 2002, para. 7,  https://www.womenshealthmag.com/relationships/a36395721/gender-identity-list/ accessed 3/8/23.

[15] “Bans on Transgender Youth Participation in Sports,” https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/sports_participation_bans accessed 3/10/23.

[16] https://www.britannica.com/science/lycanthropy accessed 3/8/23.

[17] https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/zoanthropy#:~:text=noun,animal%20and%20acts%20like%20one accessed 3/8/23.

[18] https://furscience.com/whats-a-furry/ accessed 3/23/23

[19] https://furscience.com/whats-a-furry/ accessed 3/23/23

[20] “1.3 Sex, Gender, and Gender Identity,” para. 4, https://furscience.com/research-findings/demographics/1-3-sex-and-gender/ Accessed 2/7/23

[21] “In Greek mythology, the Minotaur is a mythical creature portrayed during classical antiquity with the head and tail of a bull and the body of a man or, as described by Roman poet Ovid, a being ‘part man and part bull’.” minotaur – Search (bing.com) accessed 2/9/23.

[22] Dr. Sharon Roberts, “What’s a Furry?” para. 3, https://furscience.com/whats-a-furry/ accessed 2/9/23.

[23] Dr. Sharon Roberts, “What’s a Furry?” para. 4, https://furscience.com/whats-a-furry/ accessed 2/7/23,

[24]https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/001669.htm#:~:text=Intersex%20is%20a%20group%20of,for%20this%20condition%20is%20hermaphroditism. Accessed 3/9/23

[25] This is part of an article which debunks the use of higher statistics that are based on misdefining the phenomenon. Leonard Sax, “How common is intersex? a response to Anne Fausto-Sterling,” abstract,  Journal of Sex Sesearch vol. 39,3 (2002): 174-8. doi:10.1080/00224490209552139, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12476264/ accessed 3/9/23.

[26] The result of mental disorders or used in psychological treatment. Kimberly Holland, “Understanding Age Regression,” August 30, 2019, https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/age-regression#types accessed 3/9/23.

[27] Gina Florio, “Transage Activists Now Claim ‘Age Is A Social Construct,’ Just Like We Predicted Would Happen,” January 4, 2023, para. 4, https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/transage-activists-now-claim-age-is-a-social-construct-just-predicted-happen accessed 3/9/23.

[28] Big promoters of this can be found at Twitter account called @agedysphoria and https://medium.com/@aldebran.

[29] Some use other terms such as age dysphoric and alt-age

[30] From a Twitter account called @agedysphoria which shared a thread, quoted in an article by Gina Florio, “Transage Activists Now Claim ‘Age Is A Social Construct,’ Just Like We Predicted Would Happen,” January 4, 2023, para. 7, https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/transage-activists-now-claim-age-is-a-social-construct-just-predicted-happen accessed 3/9/23.

[31] I am not referring to real struggles that autistic people may suffer from, but rather the promoted idea that age is merely a social construct and, therefore, moldable to a person’s feelings and desired age to identify with.

[32] From a Twitter account called @agedysphoria which shared a thread, quoted in an article by Gina Florio, “Transage Activists Now Claim ‘Age Is A Social Construct,’ Just Like We Predicted Would Happen,” January 4, 2023, para. 8, https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/transage-activists-now-claim-age-is-a-social-construct-just-predicted-happen accessed 3/9/23.

[33] Adele, “My Experiences with both Gender Dysphoria and Age Dysphoria: As well as related information and statistics,” December 27, 2022, para. 1, https://medium.com/@transage/my-experiences-with-both-gender-dysphoria-and-age-dysphoria-61b4e51763a9 accessed 3/9/23.

[34] Adele, “My Experiences with both Gender Dysphoria and Age Dysphoria: As well as related information and statistics,” December 27, 2022, para. 2, https://medium.com/@transage/my-experiences-with-both-gender-dysphoria-and-age-dysphoria-61b4e51763a9 accessed 3/9/23.

[35] David Walker, “Concerns Raised over New ‘Transage’ Condition as Social Media Account Goes Viral,” January 3, 3023, paras. 7–8, https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/weird-news/concerns-raised-over-new-transage-28866777 accessed 3/9/23. See also https://www.npr.org/2018/11/08/665592537/69-year-old-dutch-man-seeks-to-change-his-legal-age-to-49 accessed 3/23/23

[36] David Walker, “Concerns Raised over New ‘Transage’ Condition as Social Media Account Goes Viral,” January 3, 3023, para. 10, https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/weird-news/concerns-raised-over-new-transage-28866777 accessed 3/9/23.

Ronnie W. Rogers