Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God
Think About IT: Margaret Thatcher and the Morality of Capitalism
One of the most interesting aspects of England is that one can visit her and...
Think About IT: Debt Is NOT Merely an Economic Problem
While debt is not essentially evil, unmanageable debt is, and it makes the borrower a...
A Christian Ethic of Ecology
Rick Harvey presented on this subject in The Ethics Round Table, and I thought it...
The Death of Man as Man: The Rise and Decline of Liberty
My new book is now available. If you're local, stop by the church to pick...
Think About IT: Daughter’s Death Enables Abortionist to See Life
Dr. Anthony Levatino says, "The toughest part of a D&E [dilation and evacuation] abortion is...
Think About IT: Shallow Preaching Reveals a Deeper Problem
The problem of shallow preaching in the pulpit is not the problem. The problem is...
Think About IT: Teaching the Basics, Important but Insufficient!
"And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority has been given to...
Think About IT: Islam in Europe and Then in America
Christian German news agency Idea reported, "A German hospital removed twelve crosses, supposedly due to...