Think About IT: When Adoption Is Better!

One may be led by God to adopt even when becoming pregnant is an option. However, when one contemplates whether to use egg or sperm donors, adoption is always the better choice.

While in vitro fertilization is fine when the sperm and/or egg of the married couple are used, it is morally wrong to use a donor’s egg or sperm. It contributes to a consumerist mentality regarding children with full marketing exploits emphasizing the pedigree of donors. Advertisements for egg donors often list the desirable traits to look for when shopping for an acceptable donor of the best egg or sperm.

Additionally, the child may very well suffer psychologically when he realizes that he only shares the genes of one parent and cannot ever know the other biological parent. It influences young women to see the ability to produce eggs as a marketable talent rather than a sacred ability to contribute equally to the conception of her husband’s and her child in marriage, whom they are to love for life.

Most of all, it introduces a third party into the sacred procreative relationship that God designed and intended to be only between a man and woman who are married to each other.

Adoption does not involve any of these issues since the child is already born, is not biologically related to either adoptive parent, and may know his biological parents. Moreover, adoptions are rescue operations rather than child shopping excursions.

Ronnie W. Rogers