Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God
Think About IT: Marriage According to Darwin
Darwin expresses his dismay and discouragement because, in comparison to how very scrupulous a man...
Think About IT: Darwin’s Influence on the Sanctity of Human Life
Darwin asseverated that, "...Species are produced and terminated by slowly acting and still existing causes,...
Think About IT: What Constitutes Worldliness in the Church?
Dr. David Wells is Distinguished Senior Research Professor at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts. He...
Think About IT: Religious Freedom, What Are We to Do?
Many Baptists who had been persecuted (my sermons entitled "Those Darn Baptists" demonstrate this) in...
Think About IT: Global Warming? Here We Go Again!
We are still reeling from 'Climategate' and now 'Himalayangate'. What is now being dubbed as...
Think About IT: The Difference between Evolution and Darwinism
Biologist Jonathan Wells elucidates the critical distinction between evolution and Darwinism. He notes, "Evolution means...
Think About IT: Work Ethic and the New Technology
Cameron Pettigrew thought of himself as an exemplary employee. ((This article is quoted in its...
Think About IT: Darwinian Evolution, Is It Mathematically Possible?
The following is Antony Flew's recitation of the point by point refutation of "the monkey...