Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God
Think About IT: Liberal Documentarian Changes His Mind on Islam!
Eric Allan Bell, a former noted liberal, discovers the truth about Islam and is now...
The Image of God in Man: A Proposed Working Definition
I believe the most important conviction that a person can have is his belief about...
Think About IT: Sex Education of Yesterday
In the past, Government saw no problem in challenging children to follow God's design for...
Think About IT: There Is a Better Way! Fossil vs. Green
President Obama's energy philosophy may eventually move us to green energy, but at what cost?...
Think About IT: Christian Charity vs. Government Coercion
It is not uncommon for people to use the Bible to promote state socialism. They...
Think About IT: Sexual and Social Nudity and, Of Course, Fig Leaves
Following is a series of questions/comments and my answers to someone who read my blog...
Religious Freedom Means Freedom to Speak
Some of you have asked about my message at the Religious Freedom Rally in June,...
Think About IT: A Calvinist Creates His Version of My Position and Then Responds Accordingly!
Read the following carefully. It is supposed to be a critique of my theological position...