Think About IT: Sex Education of Yesterday

In the past, Government saw no problem in challenging children to follow God’s design for sexual activities. For example, the government’s pamphlet for children entitled “Birds and Bees”, said, “[U]nless God had given all living things this power to reproduce, plants and animals and men would long ago have disappeared from the earth. That is why we say this story is not only beautiful and wonderful; it is sacred. . . . When a man and woman love one another very much, and each thinks the other the dearest and most wonderful being in the world, they get married and live together. Then, if they have followed God’s laws, they may some day make their home happy with loving children.”[1]


[1] United States Public Health Service, The Wonderful Story of Life: A Parent’s Talks with Children Regarding Life and Its Reproduction (Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1940), 2-3, 16.

Ronnie W. Rogers