Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God
Think About IT: The Greatness of Great Loyalty
Great loyalty stands as a beacon of life and is most clear in the storms...
Think About IT: The Bondage of Want
Christians must always remember whom we are to love and what we are to like....
The Need to Equip the Saints
When Christians experience prolonged infancy and satisfaction with milk beyond normal infancy, they will have...
Calvinism’s View of the Origin of Sin and God’s Offer of Salvation
Calvinists believe that man is free to choose according to his greatest desire. For example,...
A Supportive Response to Peter Lumpkins Article About the ERLC & Trump Voters
Below is a brief supportive comment that I wrote in response to an article by...
A Simple Prayer for Godly Eating When Blessed by Abundance
May I honor You with gratefulness and reject every sinful prompting to chronicle my "woes"...
Think About IT: Christ’s Commands without Christ’s Grace
Righteousness alone is not true righteousness because God's righteousness never stands alone. Human righteousness responds...
Think About IT: Complaining and Dishonor
Complaining people dishonor themselves some, but God most! There are of course times that God...