Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God
Trouble in the SBC: Some Helpful Links
I have written and spoken about the many fruits that still exist from God's Conservative...
Why I Must Address the Current Direction of the SBC
On February 2, I will start a Sunday morning sermon series entitled In Defense of...
Calvinism’s Determinism Is Not Biblically or Practically Viable
Calvinism rejects libertarian free will and believes in compatible moral freedom, which means everything and...
The Gay Christian? Some Thoughts
I Believe: God loves every sinner and desires to save every person (Titus 2:11). A...
I Am Troubled about an ERLC Article on Abortion
Phoebe Cates wrote an article that is posted on the ERLC website entitled, "Why our...
Why Calvinism’s View of Free Will and Scripture Are Irreconcilable
Calvinism rejects libertarian free will and believes in compatible moral freedom, which means everything and...
Answering Calvinism’s Claim That We Are All Determinists
Some Calvinists argue that Extensivists (non-Calvinists) belief in libertarian freedom, and God's foreknowledge of what...