Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God

Social Justice Dishonors Black People

I believe the present emphasis on social justice and critical race theory rather than God's...

Biblical Justice Triumphs over Social Justice

Social justice: While social justice and cultural Marxism are not synonymous, they can rightly be...

Understanding the Terms of Cultural Marxism (Social Justice): A Christian Response

Critical Race Theory (CRT) [1] defines race as being socially constructed rather than a natural biological...

Resources for Christians Thinking through Social Justice Issues

These articles, messages, and links are provided to help Christians remain faithful to the Scripture...

An Insight into How Cultural Marxism and Social Justice Actually Work: The Death of George Floyd

Social justice advocates (cultural Marxism) seek to advance their cause by the dreadful death of...

Calvinism Fails to Absolve God from Causing the Fall

Genesis two seems to clearly present Adam with a choice between obedience and blessing (Gen...

The Exalted View of God in Scripture

The nature and attributes of God are seen not only in His person but in...

Twenty Reasons Why Every Christian Needs a Local Church

Active membership in a local church is required for every Christian who desires to be...

Why Use the Grammatical Historical Method to Study Scripture

The Grammatical Historical Method (GHM) approaches the Bible as the holy word of God and...

The Day Hell Reveals God Is Not God of the Scripture: Calvinism

Calvinism's exclusive doctrines position it in an untenable place when it comes to people spending...
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