Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God

Calvinism Obscures the Simple Gospel

I agree with the Calvinist claim that the gospel is simple and clear, but I...

Calvinist John Piper’s Confusion about Salvation

John Piper writes, "My aim here is to show from Scripture that the simultaneous existence...

Calvinism’s Compatibilism and the Problem of Choice in Scripture and Life

When people reject Calvinism and its micro-determinism through compatibilism and decretal theology, some Calvinists retort...

Some Thoughts on Thinking Christianly about COVID (1 Pet 2:5, 9; Rom 14)

On Sunday, 11/14/21, I preached a message with the above title to help people in...

Calvinism and the Problem of Damnation and Hell

Calvinism's exclusive doctrines position it in an untenable place when it comes to people spending...

Calvinists and Compatibilists Fail Again to Make Compatibilism Believable: The Hypothetical Otherwise Choice

Some compatibilists seek to temper compatibilism's determinism by denying the principle of alternative possibilities (PAP)...

The Great Commission and Church Discipline

The Great Commission is talked about, promoted, and extolled, and rightly so.[1] The Great Commission...

Compatibilists Fail to Make Compatibilism Believable: The Frankfurt Counterexamples

In considering this article, remember that Compatibilism is the perspective of Calvinism regarding moral freedom...

Critical Race Theory, Social Justice, BLM and Marxism: The Connection

Here is the path to better understand the Marxist nature of these ideologies. Neo-Marxist Herbert...

Calvinist Richard Muller Fails to Diminish Calvinism’s Micro-Determinism

To soften the determinism of Calvinism, Calvinists must decrease the unflinching determinism of compatibilism.[1] Richard...
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