Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God
Think About IT: Bill Ayers’ Classroom Radicalism TODAY!
As Christianity and Christian principles are systematically expunged from the classroom, radicals like Bill Ayers...
Think About IT: Homosexuality – Is Your Candidate’s Position That of Our Founders and Scripture?
--John McCain on the definition of marriage: "The family represents the foundation of Western Civilization...
Think About IT: Pulpit Politics and Loss of Tax Exempt Status?
On September 28th, 31 pastors spoke from their pulpits in such a way that directly...
Think About IT: Christian Faith and Politics, Any Connection?
Many argue that a person's faith should have no bearing upon his politics; hence, a...
Think About IT: Abortion, the Issue That Divides
The issue that divides is whether the legal right to have an abortion for reasons...
Think About IT: Weak Families Are the Fuel of a Burgeoning Government
Why does it seem so often that the federal government really works against the family...
Think About IT: Is It a Moral Betrayal and Public Sin or Merely a Problem to Be Solved?
Senator McCain has been widely and harshly criticized for saying ""If I were president today,...
Think About IT: Are Lawyers an Endangered Species?
Sherry Colb, law professor at Cornell Law School, said on a post on the school's...