Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God
Think About IT: Is Science a Truth Seeker?
The dilemma for science is this. If science claims or presents itself to be the...
Think About IT: Government Run Healthcare, the End of Choice and Dignity
Claims to the contrary, the facts speak for themselves. First, look at the veteran hospitals...
Think About IT: Rationing Healthcare without Using the Word Ration?
Can we take seriously President Obama's denials that his plan will ultimately result in healthcare...
Think About IT: “Mistakes Were Made” – The Decline of Responsibility
Whatever happened to repentance? The phrase, "mistakes were made" is popular in politics, education, and...
Think About IT: Forsaking History is to Forsake the Gospel
On May 12, 2005, Donald Kagan, Sterling Professor of Classics and History at Yale University,...
Think About IT: No Bias?
Science claims to be the unbiased evaluation of the empirical facts, but anyone who looks...
Think About HIM: Christ
Someone once wrote: He knew the unknowable: the human heart and all things; He loved...
Global Warming, Some Things to Consider
Recently I read a very interesting book regarding Global Warming entitled, "Unstoppable Global Warming" by...