Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God

A Husband Who Embraces Death

May I be the husband of the Scripture. I know all too well that these...

Think About IT: Avoiding Christian Ugliness

Arrogant spirituality misrepresents Christian conviction. Arrogance by any one of God's created beings is ugly,...

Think About IT: The Future Is God’s and Not Ours

The future belongs to God, and we are not God. How quick we are to...

Pastors Dare Not Become Enablers of Spiritual Milkoholics

I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able...

The Pastor’s Idol

If preachers are not constantly studying things that challenge them spiritually and intellectually, then it...

Decoding Calvinism: Does Unconditional Election Include a Forced Change, a Freely Chosen Change, or Both?

There are many examples of confusing language regarding man's free exercise of faith in Calvinism....

Knowing God Deeply

True spiritual wisdom is to believe what God says above our human learning, wisdom, and...

They Say Eternal Punishment is Cruel

Some propose that it is unusually cruel of God to punish man for eternity, regardless...

Think About IT: When a Christian Is NOT a Christian

Being a Christian does not mean one is believed to be a Christian. The most...

Grace Enablements

Grace enablements include but are not limited to God’s salvific love for all (John 3:16),...
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