Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God
Teaching the Basics: Important but Insufficient!
"And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, All authority has been given to...
A Prayer to Love as God Loves
By Your grace that has so radically and eternally changed me and Your Holy Spirit...
Law and Morality
At Trinity, I lead a three-year men's group called the Round Table. The first year...
Think About IT: Repentance Is Our Friend
Repentance is a friend that leads to God, and such a friend should always be...
Think About IT: Logs before Splinters
Putting splinters before logs is the recipe for Pharisaism. Religious pride causes us to miss...
Does God Have Two Wills?
Recognizing that the simple and straightforward message of Scripture is that God loves everyone and...
Think About IT: Face the Future with Humility, Not Confidence
Humility rather than confidence is the proper apparel of security. In the security of our...