Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God

Do Not Forget To Remember

It is not new knowledge that we reject, for we should always be growing in...

A Prayer for Facing the Future

Oh my Lord Jesus, I confess that I am one who desires to know my...

Think About IT: Loving God and Not His Word

Many speak of loving God but exhibit minimal or no concern to know the Scripture....

Extensivism’s View of the Origin of Sin and God’s Offer of Salvation

In a previous article I explored Calvinism's view of the origin of sin and salvation...

Think About IT: Christianity without Truth or Love

Christianity without truth is not Christianity, and Christianity without love misrepresents Christ to both Christians...

Think About IT: The Losses of Trusting Christ

Salvation is free, but the life of faith can be costly indeed! The history of...

Think About IT: Confronting the Sins of Others

Many years ago, a man told me that if I ever needed someone to go...

Think About IT: Unity without Unity

We dare not confuse divine unity with organizational unity. Christians are one in Christ, which...

Think About IT: Marriage Is Only Heterosexual

God instituted marriage (Gen 1: 21-25) to eliminate solitude (Gen 2:18), and for the only...

We Can Pray for Our Wives Today

Father forgive me for not loving the mate that you gave me as she so...
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