Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God

A One-Woman Man’s Love for His Wife

I have incalculable affections to share with one bride. I have a million dreams to...

The Impotent Gospel of Calvinism: John 6:27

The first mention of the scope of the saving power of the gospel in John...

Shortcomings of The Westminster Shorter Catechism

The Calvinist Westminster Shorter Catechism (WSC) was approved and adopted in 1648.[1] Its stated purpose...

This New Year and Every Day I Ask God To…

Grant that I would confess unguardedly to You since You know my sin more fully...

The Paradox of Christmas

On Christmas, we give thanks and celebrate Christ humbling himself and being born a baby...

Human Death: The Undeniable Reality

In death, we know that our loved one is more than the body, for the...

Montana Christian College

Live, Learn, and Grow in Beautiful Montana Where Every Degree Has a Biblical Foundation If...

Mari Matsuda Defends Reparations for Blacks but Not Whites

Mari Matsuda defends reparations for people of color but opposes reparations for white people who...

Let Not Your Prayers Be Hindered by Poor Relationships

Prayer is fellow shipping with God and a means by which God changes us. It...

How Marxism and Critical Race Theory Plan to Topple Christianity and America

I believe there was systemic and structural racism in America's past. Such can be seen...