Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God
Is Murder a Choice of Man or a Choice of God?
The following is a question from a respondent to one of my articles. It was...
Suggestions for a Compassionate and Just Immigration
Speaking of compassionate immigration should be more than a rhetorical stiletto to carve one's opinion...
Praying for God to Be Exalted in My Life
"Be exalted above the heavens, O God; Let Your glory be above all the earth"...
God Protects His Temple and So Should We
"If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him" (1 Cor 3:17a)...
Compatibilism and Libertarianism: A Summary
Much of the confusion in discussions between Extensivists (here used in place of non-Calvinists) and...
God’s Knowledge of the Future Requires Neither Passivity nor Determinism
Calvinism believes that God knows what will happen in the future, including everything each person...