Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God

The Dynamic Gospel Encounter: John 12:35-36

This passage gives insight into the very nature of the gospel encounter. We see the...

Praying for a Heart of Thankfulness

May my day, my thoughts, my words, my plans, and my deepest emotions be enraptured...

Does Calvinism Believe Man is Free, Determined, or Both?

I have a strong desire to enable people to more readily recognize the unmitigated determinism...

Upon Whom Shall We Exercise Church Discipline?

I remember the first time we implemented church discipline in my former church. It was...

The Practical Reasons for the Banishment of Church Discipline Answered

I have practiced church discipline for over thirty years, and here are some of the...

Liberated through Discipline: The Five Kinds of Discipline

The term discipline, both in the Bible and in everyday usage, displays various nuances depending...

A Pastor’s Prayer for Strength and Faithfulness

My Lord Jesus, I pray You will keep me strong to continue my calling to...

Keys to Experiencing God!

People often tell me God feels distant. They do not sense his presence as they...

Roger Williams Sheds Light on the “Wall of Separation”

The imagery of a "wall of separation" was actually in use prior to Thomas Jefferson's...

A Prayer of Praise to Start the Day

May I praise You God with every breath and for every breath, the grand, minor,...
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