Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God

Where Is God’s Temple Today?

Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit...

Let Not Your Prayers Go Unanswered!

As our Father, God has delighted himself in granting us some things without our asking...

God, Creation, and Sin: Calvinism’s Dilemma

The Bible is clear that God loves righteousness and holiness, abhors sin, and desires his...

Can Human Acts like Prayers and Childrearing Really Affect Someone’s Salvation?

Both Calvinists and Extensivists (non-Calvinists) speak as though things such as prayers, trials, miracles, preaching,...

Prepare for God to Use You to the Max!

"Like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it...

A Prayer for Facing and Not Fearing the Future

"Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He will do it"...

Donors Call for an Investigation into the Firing of Dr. Paige Patterson

Twenty-six large financial supporters have sent a letter to SWBTS Board Chairman Mr. Ueckert and...

Dr. Patterson’s Counsel to Pray for My Enemies

Jesus said, "But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who...

Dr. Paige Patterson: Things You Need to Know

Included in this article are some personal thoughts regarding Dr. and Mrs. Patterson, a response...

Calvinists Say Blame and Honor Determined Man

The determinism of Calvinism is best understood as micro-determinism because it is not limited to...
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