Ronnie W Rogers Articles On The Person, Will, Ways, and Works of God

God’s Essential Omniscience Does Not Require Calvinism’s Determinism

In both Calvinism and Extensivism, God knows all that could happen, and all that will...

Setting the Record Straight on Dr. Patterson

Once again, the Houston Chronicle has endeavored to malign Dr. Patterson by their portrayal of...

The Undermining of Truth: The Danger of Unguarded Reliance upon Science and Statistics

In the quest to seem with it in our present scientistic milieu, preachers and Christians...

Did God Create Some People for Wrath? Well No! Romans 9:19-23

Romans 9:22-23 is often cited to demonstrate God's sovereign choice in creating some people for...

Did God Hardening Pharaoh Damn Him? Well No! Romans 9:17-18

As mentioned in my previous article on Jacob and Esau (Rom 9:10-13), Calvinists use Romans...

Resolution 9 on Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality: Some Suggestions

The 2019 SBC annual meeting met on June 11-12. The messengers adopted several resolutions, one...

Does God Hate Esau? Well No! Romans 9:6-16

Calvinists use Romans chapters 9-11 as the undeniable evidence of Calvinistic soteriology, defending both unconditional...

My Interview About: Does God Love All or Some?

If you would like to listen to my interview with Leighton Flowers about my new...

The Burgeoning Religion of Psychology

In this article I intend to highlight some of the spiritual dangers of our current...

Dr. Paige Patterson Falsely Accused, Again

Since Jennifer Lyell misrepresented Dr. Paige Patterson, as the Houston Chronicle article did, in the...
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