Doug Gray presented a paper in The Ethics Round Table on the biblical perspective on homosexuality that I thought might be helpful. He presents the arguments used to support homosexuality from the Bible and culture. Then he gives a biblical response.
Read MoreThe Ottoman Empire was founded in 1300 and collapsed after World War I. What if it had not, and what if the Muslims were able to establish such an empire today? What might it look like? Here is an example of what they required of the Armenian Christians in the Ottoman Empire.
Read MoreThe President’s present drive to force religions to act against their faith is only the most recent of such actions that undermine freedom of religion and/or deepen the moral abyss of America. Check out this article for a timeline.
Read MoreMany years ago, I worked for the Rock Island Railroad, and I had Traveler’s health insurance, which is simply the best of the best. It was grand and paid everything. Then I left the railroad to devote all of my energy to my business. That decision included leaving my paid insurance and having to find…
Read MoreWhile there are genuine crises, the federal government has an insatiable penchant for making almost everything a crisis. Why? Because government understands that calling something a crisis is an effective demagogical tool for justifying otherwise unjustifiable expansion of the government’s involvement and control of “we the people”. However, we need to remember that if everything…
Read MoreThose who believe the Constitution was intended to be a living document and thereby give supposed justification for legislating from the bench are not only wrong, but they are demonstrably wrong.
Read MoreDebt, Decline, and Dictatorship – what they have in common can be seen from a page of antiquity. Concerning Rome, “Real problems began when the limits of imperial expansion were reached in the second century. With no new territories to loot, the Roman treasury became seriously overstretched, and the emperors resorted to a policy of…
Read MoreOne may be led by God to adopt even when becoming pregnant is an option. However, when one contemplates whether to use egg or sperm donors, adoption is always the better choice. While in vitro fertilization is fine when the sperm and/or egg of the married couple are used, it is morally wrong to use…
Read MoreThere is much debate about whether we should use torture at times, but I for one do not support the use of torture; however, I do disagree with some regarding what torture IS. Torture cannot mean just the infliction of pain or even pain that would be rightly considered inhumane in other situations. Some interrogative…
Read MoreIn the quest to seem with it in our present scientistic milieu, preachers and Christians often pursue fluency regarding the latest polls, statistics and studies more than they do with Scripture and linear thinking. This quest is often characterized by indiscriminate reliance upon and usage of these tools, which actually leads people further from the…
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