Christian Living

Think About IT: Love the World and Hate Worldliness

By Ronnie W. Rogers / February 13, 2017 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Love the World and Hate Worldliness

If Christians were once again to be lost and destined to hell, but still remembered all we knew about Christ and salvation except how to be saved again, we would desire more than anything else in all the world that those who know Christ as Lord and Savior would present us with the clearest display…

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Think About IT: Repentance Is Our Friend 

By Ronnie W. Rogers / January 16, 2017 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Repentance Is Our Friend 

Repentance is a friend that leads to God, and such a friend should always be eagerly embraced. A friend is someone who always seeks to help us be our best and seeks to bring us closer to God by making us more like Christ. Repentance is such a friend. Repentance brings us to God in…

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Think About IT: Logs before Splinters

By Ronnie W. Rogers / January 9, 2017 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Logs before Splinters

Putting splinters before logs is the recipe for Pharisaism. Religious pride causes us to miss our own glaring failures and turn others’ splinters into logs. Permitting God to reveal ourselves to us as He sees us is the first step in helping others in godly splinter removal. If we fail to do so, our help…

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Think About IT: Face the Future with Humility, Not Confidence

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 19, 2016 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Face the Future with Humility, Not Confidence

Humility rather than confidence is the proper apparel of security. In the security of our lives going well, we can often envisage ourselves as acting supremely in future difficulties or if we were suffering the present peril of others. We should learn from Peter. Christ told Peter of his future denial of Him, and Peter…

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Think About IT: Faithfulness Tomorrow Is to Fail Today

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 12, 2016 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Faithfulness Tomorrow Is to Fail Today

The call to be faithful concerns today only. No one can live faithfully in the near or distant future. For example, one cannot walk in faith tomorrow, or even an hour from now because faithfulness exists only in the moment. People may desire to live out their lives being faithful to God, and therefore concern…

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Think About It: Resurrection Is Impossible without Death

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 5, 2016 / Comments Off on Think About It: Resurrection Is Impossible without Death

As the prophets of old before Him, Christ promised that He would rise from the dead. That is a celebrative and uplifting promise. However, the truth is, He also predicted His death. His death was the worst of all deaths because His death was a ransom for the sins of the world. He died swathed…

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Think About IT: The Greatness of Great Loyalty

By Ronnie W. Rogers / November 21, 2016 / Comments Off on Think About IT: The Greatness of Great Loyalty

Great loyalty stands as a beacon of life and is most clear in the storms of disloyalty. Ordinary loyalty is characteristic of the many and the good times, but Great loyalty alone survives and shines during the dark tempest of disloyalty of the many. For it is in the gales of disloyalty by those in…

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Think About IT: The Bondage of Want

By Ronnie W. Rogers / November 14, 2016 / Comments Off on Think About IT: The Bondage of Want

Christians must always remember whom we are to love and what we are to like. The difficulty in giving up the comforts of this life should remind Christians to be modest in our acquisitions of them, lest we find ourselves choosing financial bondage rather than separating from them. Extra comforts and opportunities in this life…

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Think About IT: Christ’s Commands without Christ’s Grace

By Ronnie W. Rogers / October 10, 2016 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Christ’s Commands without Christ’s Grace

Righteousness alone is not true righteousness because God’s righteousness never stands alone. Human righteousness responds to the inadequacy of others their faults, weaknesses, and failures with the quickly drawn sword of criticism and condemnation. God’s righteousness responds with holy grace and long-suffering. Then the Lord passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “The Lord,…

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Think About IT: Complaining and Dishonor

By Ronnie W. Rogers / October 3, 2016 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Complaining and Dishonor

Complaining people dishonor themselves some, but God most! There are of course times that God calls us to discern or expose weaknesses, fallacies, or flaws either in our present situation or even in others; however, far too often, complaining or being markedly critical masquerades as just “telling it like it is” or “speaking truth” when…

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