Christian Living

Think About IT: The Thing about Love

By Ronnie W. Rogers / February 20, 2014 / Comments Off on Think About IT: The Thing about Love

Without love, we shall all hang. Wrong is wrong and sin is sin. Neither love nor anything else can make a wrong right or a sin sinless, but love can hide sins. This Christian love is not blind to the sins and frailty of others, but neither does it require others to measure up before…

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Think About IT: Forgiving like God

By Ronnie W. Rogers / January 28, 2014 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Forgiving like God

God forgives sinners based upon the finished work of Christ when sinners repent and ask God to forgive them. Can Christians do any less regardless how egregiously they believe they have been wronged? One might seek to escape granting such forgiveness by saying, “Well, I am not God.” While it is certainly and eternally true…

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Think About IT: The Worship of Thankfulness

By Ronnie W. Rogers / October 17, 2013 / Comments Off on Think About IT: The Worship of Thankfulness

Our worship of God can never surpass our thankfulness to God. While people would agree that God is most honored by worship from a thankful heart, many times our thankfulness is lessened by our tethered complaints. People often seek to thank God for a blessing, and then immediately explain their frustrations with God. For example,…

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Think About IT: Forgiven!

By Ronnie W. Rogers / May 2, 2013 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Forgiven!

If we truly appreciate being forgiven, we will forgive others. It is ironic indeed, for Christians to extol God for His immeasurable forgiveness of our sins in Christ, and yet shamelessly withhold such forgiveness from those who may have measurably sinned against us. If we truly appreciate being forgiven, we will forgive others. How could…

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