Christian Living

Think About IT: The Pain of Loyalty

By Ronnie W. Rogers / March 14, 2016 / Comments Off on Think About IT: The Pain of Loyalty

Loyalty that runs deep in our soul, so that we are not just a friend to others but rather a treasured friend indeed, will be tried in the fires of disloyalty. Disloyalty is suffered most often and most heartbreakingly by loyalists. Deep anguish is the sometimes lot of the loyal friend. To be sure, the…

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Think About IT: Without Love, We Shall All Hang

By Ronnie W. Rogers / March 7, 2016 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Without Love, We Shall All Hang

Without love, our humanness evanesces. Wrong is wrong and sin is sin. Neither love nor anything else can make a wrong right or a sin sinless, but love can hide sins. This Christian love is not blind to the sins and frailty of others, but neither does it require others to measure up before Christians…

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Think About IT: Gentleness Like Christ

By Ronnie W. Rogers / February 22, 2016 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Gentleness Like Christ

Being Christian means to be like Christ, not just partly like Christ. The person of Christ reminds us that strength, power, knowledge, righteousness, and that even knowing what is the right thing to do in every situation does not necessitate brutishness, arrogance and being uncompassionate. “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for…

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Think About IT: Forget Not from Whence I Came

By Ronnie W. Rogers / January 11, 2016 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Forget Not from Whence I Came

Short memories produce crass Christians. Christians need to guard against becoming so accustomed to being a Christian and being around Christians that they saunter down the path of harshness toward the lost. As though the difference in us and them originated in us. “It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came…

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Think About IT: Follow Me

By Ronnie W. Rogers / November 16, 2015 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Follow Me

The call only Christ can make. Christ called the disciples with the words “follow me.” He called them to follow with no further instructions or illumination about where they were going, how they would make a living, or what they would be doing. This solemn unexplained call is based upon Jesus innate worthiness rather than…

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Think About IT: Representing Our Lord Jesus

By Ronnie W. Rogers / October 19, 2015 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Representing Our Lord Jesus

The reality is, regardless how long someone is saved, there are some aspects of Christ a person will never learn if he is not taught and does not study. Some aspects will not be learned if a person does not serve. Some aspects will not be learned if a person does not witness. Some aspects…

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Think About IT: A Daily Goal Worth Pursuing!

By Ronnie W. Rogers / May 20, 2015 / Comments Off on Think About IT: A Daily Goal Worth Pursuing!

In his Serious Call, William Law exhorts: “Let every day be a day of humility, condescend to all the weaknesses and infirmities of your fellow-creatures, cover their frailties, love their excellencies, encourage their virtues, relieve their wants, rejoice in their prosperities, compassionate in their distress, receive their friendship, overlook their unkindness, forgive their malice, be…

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Think About IT: Compassion Is Still Needed

By Ronnie W. Rogers / March 30, 2015 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Compassion Is Still Needed

Compassion without action is indistinguishable from indifference. Christ’s compassion sees the plight of others and then seeks to meet that need. While one cannot meet every need of every person, Christians should be seeking to move beyond seeing the needs around us to meeting the needs around us. “When He went ashore, He saw a…

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Christianity Benefits Everyone

By Ronnie W. Rogers / February 12, 2015 / Comments Off on Christianity Benefits Everyone

Obviously the most important benefit of following Christ is spiritual; salvation through faith in Jesus Christ (John 3:16). However, even those who do not accept Christ can benefit socially from the presence of authentic Christianity. This article seeks to highlight one area in which this is true. That is the area of keeping down healthcare…

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Think About IT: Hell before Help

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 15, 2014 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Hell before Help

According to Calvinism, God chose hell for most and help for few. While Scripture is clear that God is righteous and just if He sent everyone to hell, Scripture is equally clear that God does not claim to be merely just, but He is also inestimably kind and longsuffering. “Or do you think lightly of…

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