Christian Living

Think About IT: Christianity without Truth or Love

By Ronnie W. Rogers / July 4, 2017 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Christianity without Truth or Love

Christianity without truth is not Christianity, and Christianity without love misrepresents Christ to both Christians and the lost world. Two of the greatest threats to Christianity are lies and loveless disciples. I am not referring to the lies told about Christianity by the enemies of Christ or the world, but rather the lies spoken by…

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Think About IT: The Losses of Trusting Christ

By Ronnie W. Rogers / June 26, 2017 / Comments Off on Think About IT: The Losses of Trusting Christ

Salvation is free, but the life of faith can be costly indeed! The history of Christianity is one of untold sacrifice by countless followers of Christ. They have given their lives in the darkest parts of the globe to share the gospel, stood and spoken the truth in love in loveless times, carried the burdens…

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Think About IT: Confronting the Sins of Others

By Ronnie W. Rogers / June 19, 2017 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Confronting the Sins of Others

Many years ago, a man told me that if I ever needed someone to go to a person in the church who was in sin, he was more than willing to go. He said, “That type of situation does not bother me; I do not mind having to rebuke a brother for his sin.” He…

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Think About IT: Unity without Unity

By Ronnie W. Rogers / June 12, 2017 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Unity without Unity

We dare not confuse divine unity with organizational unity. Christians are one in Christ, which does not require the existence of organizational unity (John 17: 11, 22-22). The mere reality of different churches or even denominations is not necessarily demonstrative of disunity. This is because our unity is not derived from an organization but our…

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Think About IT: Marriage Is Only Heterosexual

By Ronnie W. Rogers / May 29, 2017 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Marriage Is Only Heterosexual

God instituted marriage (Gen 1: 21-25) to eliminate solitude (Gen 2:18), and for the only proper relationship for sexual intimacy and procreation (Gen 1:28; 1 Cor 7: 1-5). According to Scripture, there simply is no such thing as homosexual marriage, and Christians should avoid speaking as if there is. Speaking of homosexual marriage does not…

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The Nature of Spiritual Warfare

By Ronnie W. Rogers / May 15, 2017 / Comments Off on The Nature of Spiritual Warfare

If Scripture teaches anything about spiritual warfare, it is this; the more faithful you are to God and the more God uses you, the more Satan seeks to destroy your relationship with God, the work of God through you, and you. It seems that the reality of God’s provision to enable us to withstand Satan’s…

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Think About IT: Meanness Not So Difficult

By Ronnie W. Rogers / March 27, 2017 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Meanness Not So Difficult

We need no divine empowerment to be harsh. It seems to me that we do not need the power of Christ in our lives to treat others hurtfully, unkindly, or dismissively. Christians seem to possess natural resources sufficient for the task of insensitivity. Of course, even carnal Christians are wise enough to masquerade such strictness…

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Godly Zeal: Maybe?

By Ronnie W. Rogers / March 20, 2017 / Comments Off on Godly Zeal: Maybe?

Zeal is not the test of godliness, nor can zeal make one godlier. Zealousness can even be a detriment to godliness if one’s definition of godliness is derived from the intensity of one’s zeal rather than the clear teaching of Scripture. Frequently we find people who claim to be Christian, and may very well be,…

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The Choice of Humility

By Ronnie W. Rogers / March 8, 2017 / Comments Off on The Choice of Humility

Since we are not God, everyone will be humbled. There are three kinds of humility in the Scripture. First is a false humility, which is fashionably demonstrated by the Pharisees of the gospels as well as their contemporary protégés. Second is a forced humility, which is the lot of all who choose to exalt themselves…

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Think About IT: The Danger of Self-Confidence

By Ronnie W. Rogers / February 27, 2017 / Comments Off on Think About IT: The Danger of Self-Confidence

In the shadows of self-confidence lurk many dangers like succumbing to temptation, seeking self-glory, and hurting those for whom Christ died. Perhaps the most serious consequence of self-confidence is that such testimonial presents a false Christ to the world and thereby denies the gospel and the grace provisions of sanctification. “I am the vine, you…

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