Ronnie W. Rogers

Some Thoughts on Creation, Sin, Depravity, and Redemption: Extensivism and Calvinism

By Ronnie W. Rogers / August 21, 2023 / Comments Off on Some Thoughts on Creation, Sin, Depravity, and Redemption: Extensivism and Calvinism

God created the world in holiness, love, and grace. God provided sufficient grace for Adam and Eve and their offspring to live for Him in fellowship and holiness by means of His creative grace. Every aspect of His original creation was by grace. Adam and Eve possessed everything in superabundance to fulfill His will, to…

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Critical Theory: A Marxist Call to Radicalize Citizens and Our Children for Revolution

By Ronnie W. Rogers / August 7, 2023 / Comments Off on Critical Theory: A Marxist Call to Radicalize Citizens and Our Children for Revolution

Marxist educator, Michael Apple, said, “Yet it is crucial to remind ourselves . . . Marx felt that the ultimate task of philosophy and theory was not merely to ‘comprehend reality’ but to change it.”[1] This is the essence of Critical Theory (CT) developed by neo-Marxists Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno, even though Marx was…

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Why Calvinists’ Attempts to Make Regeneration Logically Prior and Not Temporally Prior to Faith Fails

By Ronnie W. Rogers / July 24, 2023 / Comments Off on Why Calvinists’ Attempts to Make Regeneration Logically Prior and Not Temporally Prior to Faith Fails

Calvinists seek to make Calvinism more biblically compatible by contending that regeneration is only logically prior to faith and not temporally prior to faith; I believe their attempt fails. Regarding Calvinists who believe regeneration precedes faith, Jeremy A. Evans says, “This relationship is intended to be understood logically, not temporally. Temporally, the cause and effect…

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A Practical Working Definition of Critical Race Theory

By Ronnie W. Rogers / July 10, 2023 / Comments Off on A Practical Working Definition of Critical Race Theory

Biblically, genuine racism is the sin of partiality, something the Scripture condemns (Lev 19:15; Jas 2:1–9; 3:13–18). Accordingly, the biblical perspective of race necessarily rejects race or racism as defined by critical race theory or as popularly used in American culture, which effectively reduces the words to a weapon to divide and silence anyone who…

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A Biblical Perspective on Race, races, and Racism

By Ronnie W. Rogers / June 19, 2023 / Comments Off on A Biblical Perspective on Race, races, and Racism

All people belong to the human race. Because all people are created in the image of God (Gen 1:26–28), they are essentially equal. Bearing God’s image is an essential and uniquely human property, which is the irreplaceable principal locus of our human identity. Other identifying qualities drawn from experience or development do not and cannot…

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Why We Must Seek to Repudiate Resolution 9 in New Orleans in 2023

By Ronnie W. Rogers / May 22, 2023 / Comments Off on Why We Must Seek to Repudiate Resolution 9 in New Orleans in 2023

In 2019, the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) adopted Resolution 9. It was passed based on the stated value of using critical race theory (CRT) and intersectionality (INT) as neutral “analytical tools.” The second Whereas of Resolution 9 states, “Critical race theory is a set of analytical tools that explain how race has…

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Court Vindicates Dr. Paige Patterson’s Handling of Alleged Rape Case

By Ronnie W. Rogers / May 18, 2023 / Comments Off on Court Vindicates Dr. Paige Patterson’s Handling of Alleged Rape Case

In 2018, the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) Board of Trustees fired Dr. Paige Patterson, who was then serving as president of the seminary. The charges against Dr. Patterson significantly included the mishandling of two alleged abuse and rape charges by one female student in 2003 and one in 2015.[1] The latter happened at SWBTS…

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Welcome to America’s Alternative Universe: The Banishment of Objectivity

By Ronnie W. Rogers / March 27, 2023 / Comments Off on Welcome to America’s Alternative Universe: The Banishment of Objectivity

America continues to move further away from our foundational values of faith in God and the rule of objective law based upon objective facts. We are now being required more and more to live in a society where we must daily transition in and out of the universe of objective reality into an alternative universe…

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The Catholic Augustine and His Novel Doctrine of Determinism

By Ronnie W. Rogers / March 14, 2023 / Comments Off on The Catholic Augustine and His Novel Doctrine of Determinism

Many Calvinists are prone to refer to church history as though it started at the Reformation or drop back to the time of Augustine, thereby skipping all church history other than the Reformation. This distorted historical approach includes an attempt to co-opt Augustine from Catholicism in order to make him the Protestant forerunner to Calvin.…

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Acts 2 and 4 Are Not Examples of Socialism

By Ronnie W. Rogers / February 27, 2023 / Comments Off on Acts 2 and 4 Are Not Examples of Socialism

Acts 2:44–45 and 4:32–35 are often used to justify the claim that the Bible supports socialism. For example, Luke says, “And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need” (Acts 2:44–45).…

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