Ronnie W. Rogers

Determinism: A Response from Ronnie

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 13, 2006 / Comments Off on Determinism: A Response from Ronnie


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Cremation: Is It a Pattern That Christians Should Follow?

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 13, 2006 / Comments Off on Cremation: Is It a Pattern That Christians Should Follow?

Throughout history, inhumation (burial) and cremation have been practiced, sometimes simultaneously in the same culture (Roman and Greek). Each have enjoyed various times of prominence and preference within various cultures. However, the Christian era brought with it the practice of inhumation and sought to eliminate cremation, basically reserving that for times of plague or for…

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Capital Punishment, Insanity Plea, Scriptures

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 13, 2006 / Comments Off on Capital Punishment, Insanity Plea, Scriptures

Capital punishment and the insanity plea.pdf

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Calvinism and Regeneration: A Response

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 13, 2006 / Comments Off on Calvinism and Regeneration: A Response

Joining a Bible Church,  Calvinism-regeneration-etc-3-23-06.pdf

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Calvinism, Major and Minor Terms, A Response . . .

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 13, 2006 / Comments Off on Calvinism, Major and Minor Terms, A Response . . .


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Abortion and the Sanctity of Human Life

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 13, 2006 / Comments Off on Abortion and the Sanctity of Human Life


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Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 13, 2006 / Comments Off on Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

Baptism and The Lord’s Supper

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