Ronnie W. Rogers

Faith Precedes Regeneration and Revelation Precedes Faith: John Chapters 6, 3, and Matthew 27:42

By Ronnie W. Rogers / January 30, 2023 /

Salvation begins with God revealing Himself to man. Man cannot find God unless He reveals Himself to man. God’s love for His creation is the reason there is a way for people to be saved from their just desert (John 3:16). Christ came into the world to save mankind, which means He had to pay…

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Marxism in Our Public Education: For Real!

By Ronnie W. Rogers / October 17, 2022 / Comments Off on Marxism in Our Public Education: For Real!

Marxist Paulo Freire is one of the most influential critical pedagogues. Critical theory, developed by Marxist Max Horkheimer, is the basis of critical pedagogy, which is the Marxist method for educating students in America’s public school system. Wherever you find critical theory in use, you have found Marxism. Accordingly, critical pedagogy is thoroughly Marxist and…

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Homosexuality: The Sin Is the Act and Desire

By Ronnie W. Rogers / October 3, 2022 / Comments Off on Homosexuality: The Sin Is the Act and Desire

Sometimes a homosexual or someone who claims to be “same-sex attracted” will, when they claim to be a Christian, say they refrain from the act, but they say little about their homosexual desires being an obstacle to following Christ. They believe their celibacy is all they need to be right with God and their homosexual…

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Marxism and Critical Race Theory Have Taken Aim At Your Child and Your Church

By Ronnie W. Rogers / September 19, 2022 / Comments Off on Marxism and Critical Race Theory Have Taken Aim At Your Child and Your Church

Pedagogy is the study and theory of education. It establishes the methods educators use to teach our children. Critical pedagogy (CP) is prominent in public education. It is an educational theory and practice based on critical theory (CT). Critical theory is the social theoretical approach used by Marxism in evaluating and deconstructing capitalist societies. This…

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What about Those Who Never Hear the Gospel: Foreordination versus Foreknowledge

By Ronnie W. Rogers / September 5, 2022 / Comments Off on What about Those Who Never Hear the Gospel: Foreordination versus Foreknowledge

InPart 1,we looked at the Calvinist argument that is supposed to demonstrate that Extensivists (non-Calvinists) have their own form of election since, as they contend, God does not give everyone a chance to hear the gospel and be saved. We saw their argument fails to be convincing. To further clarify and amplify God’s salvific love…

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What about Those Who Never Hear the Gospel: The New Testament

By Ronnie W. Rogers / August 22, 2022 / Comments Off on What about Those Who Never Hear the Gospel: The New Testament

In Part 1 we looked at the Calvinist argument that is supposed to demonstrate that Extensivists (non-Calvinists) have their own form of election since, as they contend, God does not give everyone a chance to hear the gospel and be saved. We saw their argument fails to be convincing. To further clarify and amplify God’s…

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What about Those Who Never Hear the Gospel: The Old Testament

By Ronnie W. Rogers / August 8, 2022 / Comments Off on What about Those Who Never Hear the Gospel: The Old Testament

In Part 1 we looked at the argument that is supposed to demonstrate Extensivists (non-Calvinists) have their own form of election since, as they contend, God does not give everyone a chance to hear the gospel and be saved. We saw their argument fails to be convincing. Still to further clarify and amplify upon God’s…

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What about Those Who Never Hear the Gospel: Analyzing the Argument

By Ronnie W. Rogers / July 25, 2022 / Comments Off on What about Those Who Never Hear the Gospel: Analyzing the Argument

This is the first article in a four-part series. In this article, I address the argument given by Calvinists against Extensivists’ (non-Calvinists) claim that God salvationally loves every person, and, therefore, every person can be saved. The second will address this challenge from the Old Testament. The third will address it from the New Testament,…

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The End of Roe vs. Wade, Thanksgiving

By Ronnie W. Rogers / June 27, 2022 / Comments Off on The End of Roe vs. Wade, Thanksgiving

Yes, there will continue to be pro-life battles to fight. But today, I celebrate the mightiest pro-life victory in half a century, made on June 24, 2022. President Trump will go down in history as the president God used to overturn Roe v. Wade, a day I will never forget! Thank you, President Trump, for…

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Why I, as a Non-Calvinist, Support Tom Ascol for SBC President

By Ronnie W. Rogers / June 17, 2022 / Comments Off on Why I, as a Non-Calvinist, Support Tom Ascol for SBC President

As many know, I am adamantly against Calvinism’s soteriology and have written numerous articles and three books laying out my reasons. I am an Extensivist, which means I believe God’s salvational love extends to every person. Accordingly, he has provided salvation for every person, which they can receive by faith, something that he desires every…

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