
Think about IT: Does Infidelity to a Spouse Relate to Politics?

By Ronnie W. Rogers / September 15, 2008 / Comments Off on Think about IT: Does Infidelity to a Spouse Relate to Politics?

We are often told that a person’s personal life should not influence whether a voter believes that he or she can serve in public office. In other words, one may be a gambler, liar or a thief at home, but what one does in his personal life has nothing to do with his ability to…

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Think About IT: Governor Sarah Palin; Can She, Will She, Should She?

By Ronnie W. Rogers / September 8, 2008 /

As one who cannot vote for Barack Obama because of his pro-abortion position, economic socialism, comfort in Liberation Theology, etc; and one who, while I have respected Senator McCain, has on a number of occasions strongly disagreed with his position, I have found myself actually elated about the McCain ticket. Why? What happened? Well what…

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Think About IT: Bristol Is with Child; Therefore, Abstinence Doesn’t Work. REALLY?

By Ronnie W. Rogers / September 4, 2008 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Bristol Is with Child; Therefore, Abstinence Doesn’t Work. REALLY?

The pro-abortionists were ever so quick to capitalize upon the pregnancy of seventeen-year-old Bristol Palin in order to demonstrate the failure of teaching abstinence in schools, a program which the now Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sara Palin strongly advocates. As is discouragingly all too frequent, the demagogues were so quick in their attack that they…

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Velvet Elvis: Not Worth Having!

By Ronnie W. Rogers / August 27, 2007 / Comments Off on Velvet Elvis: Not Worth Having!

Years ago when Gina and I were first married, I passed by an art display–I use that term loosely–on the side of the road. All of the renderings were pictures on an imitation or cheap velvet. One of them that I was particularly enthralled with was the King of Rock, Elvis Presley. Immediately I envisioned…

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War or Peace?

By Ronnie W. Rogers / May 2, 2007 / Comments Off on War or Peace?

Christians’ opinions about war cover the continuum from pacifism to patriotism–from no war to any war for the homeland. I think both positions are based upon selective use of biblical teaching. It is true that God’s perfect world did not have war; however, it is incorrect to conclude from that truth that God is therefore…

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Tragedy at Virginia Tech: A Standard Too High

By Ronnie W. Rogers / April 23, 2007 / Comments Off on Tragedy at Virginia Tech: A Standard Too High

The Virginia Tech Massacre last Monday has once again shocked the nation. Here in civilized America, the most technologically advanced society, where man dwells far above the mire of barbarism, a young man commits a most uncivilized act, a heinous betrayal of humanity even by barbaric standards. Pundits seek someone to blame for not stopping…

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The High Cost of Reading

By Ronnie W. Rogers / April 10, 2007 / Comments Off on The High Cost of Reading

In today’s Crimson, the deans at Harvard urge professors to work at lowering the cost of required reading for classes. The per student average spent on reading materials at Harvard last year was $1300.00. What makes this article so interesting to me is when I consider it in light of the simple and oft repeated…

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Education Resources

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 16, 2006 / Comments Off on Education Resources

Some good resources on understanding public education.

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Media Bias: Caution

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 15, 2006 / Comments Off on Media Bias: Caution

Everyone is influenced by mass media, but not everyone is aware of the bias in reporting and what causes the bias. What are some of the things that cause media bias?

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The Lottery: Is It a Good Deal?

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 15, 2006 / Comments Off on The Lottery: Is It a Good Deal?

I was asked to provide some questions for the moderator of a lottery debate in Oklahoma, and I suggested the following:

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