Ronnie W. Rogers
Billy Wolf has provided me with a chart that succinctly summarizes some of the fundamental differences between a biblical view of scriptural doctrines and the teaching of the postmodern emergent church. Although the emergent church leaders may be good writers, winsome, and quite capable of persuading young men and women who have little knowledge of…
Read MoreThe following is part of Billy Wolfe’s presentation on Postmodernism for The Round Table. It affords a very succinct look into some ideas that float around in the mind of postmoderns.
Read MoreAccording to Darwin Day Celebration, there were 729 events scheduled in 45 countries for Darwin Day 2009, in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth. In response to the celebration of Darwin Day at the University of Oklahoma, and their invitation to Richard Dawkins to speak, Trinity Baptist Church collaborated with others in order…
Read MoreRarely do I find a succinct, clear presentation of two somewhat esoteric worldviews like “Nihilism” and “Existentialism”. However, Christoph Koehler did just that in his Round Table presentation on these topics; consequently, I thought I would blog his presentation for you.Now, I know that some of you are thinking what do nihilism and existentialism have…
Read MoreMore than 200 scientists and other experts on climate change from Australia, Canada, England, France, Hungary, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Sweden, and of course the United States met to discuss and debunk the claims of Global Warming alarmists at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change Al Gore, along with scientists whom he says support…
Read MoreAnthony Daniels, a self-proclaimed atheist and a contributing editor of City Journal and the Dietrich Weismann Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, who now writes using the pseudonym “Theodore Dalrymple” takes on the “new atheist misrepresenting the essential role of religious faith in establishing Western civilization and its future survival” in an article “What the New…
Read MoreIt is common for people to view all sin as equally sinful, but that is not correct. It is true that all sin is sin, and any sin is serious enough to send a person to hell; however, not all sin is equally serious or results in the same judgment. Sin is made more serious…
Read MoreRecently, Richard Carpenter ((Dr. Carpenter holds a Ph. D. in meteorology from the University of Oklahoma and is currently Vice President for Numerical Weather Prediction at Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.)) presented a superb paper to The Roundtable in Ideology at Trinity Baptist Church. His précis, which he derived from the full paper, was read to…
Read MoreThanksgiving, quite contrary to political correctness and revisionist historians, began as an act of faith and worship by the Pilgrims. The first Thanksgiving was held in the autumn of 1621 in Plymouth, and it was a celebration of God’s bountiful blessing, which the Pilgrims shared with the Indians. The Pilgrims’ lives had been characterized by…
Read MoreSome scientists claim that what one can experience with the five senses is all there is; hence there is nothing outside of the material universe. But wait a moment. If scientific naturalism is true, nature is all there is, religion is merely an expression of need, want, or a quest for power, and only what…
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