Ronnie W. Rogers
“Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”(2 Corinthians 9:7) As you well know, a couple in our church gave $200, 000.00 for renovating the Fellowship Hall, Kitchen and Gymnasium. Although they chose to remain anonymous, I want you to…
Read MoreMany of our students will be spending their spring break with the BSU at our Glorieta Conference Center near Santa Fe, New Mexico. This week is always a special time for students to grow spiritually and for some to make decisions about following God’s call to the mission field, working in a local church, and…
Read MoreOf course this is the age old question that is asked by virtually everyone at some time over the course of their life. It may be a mother whose child died tragically, the philosopher who denies the existence of God, or the solider who fought valiantly only to be rejected by the people he risked…
Read MoreMost of you at Trinity have heard me mention our cat, Isaac. Usually, I used him in humorous illustrations that highlighted the differences between humans and animals–like the truth that Isaac never did chores, or held down a job, at least we never saw him break a sweat or offer to buy our dinner. Although…
Read MoreRecently, The Roundtable in Theology at Trinity Baptist Church demonstrated how antagonists compare Genesis chapter one with chapter two and as a result, portray Genesis one as mere poetry, fiction, or myth–anything but historical prose. At times this contradictory relationship is due to simply misunderstanding the nature of Genesis one and two, but often it…
Read MoreI was recently asked about tattoos, and I must say that this is not the first time. It seems that tattoos can be found on almost every kind of person today regardless of sex, race, social status, or faith. The sheer prevalence of tattoos makes them an issue that Christians cannot ignore. Read the following…
Read MoreThe question of what happens to children when they die before being saved by faith in Jesus Christ has been a question that has been raised and debated for centuries. However, when someone has a child die, it needs to be answered, and I believe it can be. Age of Accountability: Fact or Fiction
Read MoreI have enclosed a preliminary list of books and websites in order to help you understand some of the most salient arguments for ID, Creation Science and the Genesis account. These resources will expose some of the most glaring and problematic inadequacies of the theory of Evolution. Unfortunately, these inadequacies are routinely glossed over or…
Read MoreI am often asked about the co-existence of God’s sovereignty and man’s free choice. Recently, I briefly answered a couple of questions regarding this. See the article below. microsoft-word-sovereignty-free-will-question-2-2-07.pdf
Read MoreThe Bible is very clear about God’s design for marriage being one man and one woman married for life. Unfortunately, divorce is not only rampant in our culture, but it is quite prevalent in our churches. At Trinity, the elders became increasingly burdened over the problem of some Christian marriages failing to thrive and situations…
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