Ronnie W. Rogers
Debt, Decline, and Dictatorship – what they have in common can be seen from a page of antiquity. Concerning Rome, “Real problems began when the limits of imperial expansion were reached in the second century. With no new territories to loot, the Roman treasury became seriously overstretched, and the emperors resorted to a policy of…
Read MoreOne may be led by God to adopt even when becoming pregnant is an option. However, when one contemplates whether to use egg or sperm donors, adoption is always the better choice. While in vitro fertilization is fine when the sperm and/or egg of the married couple are used, it is morally wrong to use…
Read MoreThere is much debate about whether we should use torture at times, but I for one do not support the use of torture; however, I do disagree with some regarding what torture IS. Torture cannot mean just the infliction of pain or even pain that would be rightly considered inhumane in other situations. Some interrogative…
Read MoreIn the quest to seem with it in our present scientistic milieu, preachers and Christians often pursue fluency regarding the latest polls, statistics and studies more than they do with Scripture and linear thinking. This quest is often characterized by indiscriminate reliance upon and usage of these tools, which actually leads people further from the…
Read MoreIt is often said that all mutations are bad, but this is not actually true. There are cases of beneficial mutations, but what is needed for evolution to make a fish into an attorney is not merely a beneficial mutation, but rather the creation of new information, and therein is the problem. Even advantageous mutations…
Read MoreYour willingness to be equipped today will in large measure determine how God will use you in the future!
Read MoreOne of the most interesting aspects of England is that one can visit her and vividly relive the past while concomitantly witnessing America’s future if liberal politicians persist in their socialistic quest and our federalized schools persevere in their ahistorical indoctrination of our citizenry, two endeavors that are inextricably connected. Common sense would note that…
Read MoreWhile debt is not essentially evil, unmanageable debt is, and it makes the borrower a slave to the lender (Proverbs 22:7). Our nation is drowning in unmanageable debt and so are many Americans. The major cause is not merely spending too much or not making enough, all asseverations that it is notwithstanding. Rather the genesis…
Read MoreMy new book is now available. If you’re local, stop by the church to pick up a copy. If not, you can purchase a softcover, hard cover, or electronic edition at many online retailers such as Amazon, Crossbooks, and Barnes & Noble. The content of this book was first presented in its present form at…
Read MoreDr. Anthony Levatino says, “The toughest part of a D&E [dilation and evacuation] abortion is extracting the baby’s head,” Levatino said. “If you have a really bad day, like I often did, a little face may come out and stare back at you.” (( & He goes on to say, “On June 23, 1984,…
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