Ronnie W. Rogers
What you believe about man’s nature is at the center of all spiritual and societal determinations. The only belief that is more significant is what a person believes about God. Genesis chapters 1 and 2 tell us how God created the first man and woman. God then delegated dominion over the rest of creation to…
Read MoreAccording to God’s wisdom, Paul knew all Christians are unified and of Christ. Yet, the Corinthians are thinking according to human wisdom, which causes division (1 Cor 1:9–13). Paul answered their carnality with the wisdom of God, saying, For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not in cleverness of…
Read MoreArticle VI of the Baptist Faith and Message (BFM) says, “Its two scriptural offices are that of pastor/elder/overseer and deacon. While both men and women are gifted for service in the church, the office of pastor/elder/overseer is limited to men as qualified by Scripture.” Despite the BFM’s accurate reflection of Scripture in simple clarity that…
Read MoreDr. Jeff Childress interviewed Dr. David Allen, and their discussion reveals what makes David the best candidate for SBC President. David’s replies in this podcast clearly explain why I support him. I encourage you to listen and hear the responses in his own words. By watching this podcast, you will vividly witness his immense knowledge…
Read MoreThe Baptist Faith and Message (BFM) says of the pastor’s office, “The office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture.”[1] The meaning of the term pastor in the 2000 BFM is not in question, though some try to make it unclear. However, three of those who served on the 2000 BFM committee…
Read MoreFew people get into unmanageable debt because they cannot add or subtract, which demonstrates financial indebtedness is more than an economic problem. Below are five spiritual sins that can lead a person into the sin of unmanageable debt. Recognition and avoidance of these serve as a formidable protection against unmanageable debt. Rectifying them also serves…
Read MoreWhile the Bible does not use the terms capitalism or socialism, I believe it strongly favors capitalism. Clearly, the Bible does not sanction everything that goes on under the name of capitalism. But the Bible does seem to present a relational and economic system that more closely resembles capitalism than socialism and Marxism. Scripture emphasizes…
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