Think About IT: The Bondage of Want

Christians must always remember whom we are to love and what we are to like.

The difficulty in giving up the comforts of this life should remind Christians to be modest in our acquisitions of them, lest we find ourselves choosing financial bondage rather than separating from them.

Extra comforts and opportunities in this life can be a blessing indeed, but if one’s heart is unguarded, what begins as an extra blessing can soon be possessed as a strong emotional narcotic, which is only overcome by a degrading and destructive financial collapse.

Seeing physical blessings as temporary blessings can safeguard against our propensity to become so accustomed to their presence that we shun willful uncoupling from them until they are forcibly taken.

Modest acquisitions safeguard against future deprivation.

“Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1 John 2:15).

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Ronnie W. Rogers