Here we are once again, embarking on another summer. Summer is a wonderful time of travel, vacationing, family outings, hiking, and for our men who like to fish; well it is a time to fish.
You will be able to recognize some in this latter group because they have no shame in wearing shirts with fish all over them; moreover, when their wives tell them to put on something different, they think that means wearing a different colored fish shirt. Yes, I understand this idiosyncrasy–note the polite word I used to describe this peculiarity–makes them a little bit scary. Actually, their family feels that way as well, but they assured me that though their first impression does cause people to wonder “is this for real”, they are in fact harmless unless of course you have gills.
Others in our church will be at camp, on mission trips to different places in the world, and some will just be spending time at home working for the summer while they are out of school. These summer jobs will put a little cash in their pockets, which is a good thing for a student. More importantly, many of the jobs that they will be able to get at this time in their non-careers will serve as a poignant reminder of why they need to finish their schooling.
So while the summer is a neat time, there is one thing to which I do not look forward. Each time we gather for worship over the coming months, some of our fellowship will be noticeably absent and greatly missed. Consequently, let me encourage each of us, when we come to worship our King, and thereby are a holy temple of our Lord, let us remember not to merely notice that some of our fellowship are absent, but let their absence remind us to pray for the Lord to use, protect, and bless them, to bless others through them, and return them to us once again.
Ronnie W Rogers