VBS—Very Best Servants

Oh I know, VBS means Vacation Bible School; but each time I see our VBS, I am absolutely overwhelmed by the amount of work that our people pour into making it the best in decoration, teaching, spirit, fun, and environment.

Each year, it is evident that you truly seek to produce an excellent VBS, and this past week was no exception. Your heart, soul and love is seen in the decoration of every site, heard in every teaching and felt throughout the week.

Someone remarked, that Trinity’s VBS “Is the best bar none” and I concur.

Thank you for your labor and sacrifice in order for the children who come to have a par excellent week of spiritual growth, excitement and love. I am always amazed.

Consequently, while it will always be known as Vacation Bible School, and rightly so, I also remember it as a week of watching THE VERY BEST SERVANTS!!!!

Indebted, A Very Grateful Pastor

Ronnie W Rogers

Ronnie W. Rogers