Search results for: is reprobation necessary
Is Reprobation Necessary for God to Demonstrate His Holiness and Wrath?
According to Calvinism, God voluntarily predetermined for some of the human race to experience salvation in order to display His mercy, while concomitantly and voluntarily predetermining to pass over most of the human race, thereby inviolably destining them to perish in hell. The former are known as the unconditionally elected and the latter are known…
Read MoreCalvinism’s Confusion about God
Although both Calvinism and Extensivism (the belief that God genuinely wants every person to be saved and has made it possible for them to be saved) fall within the parameters of orthodoxy, and I do love my Calvinist brothers and sisters, we embrace very different ideas of God. Since God’s salvation plan is the most…
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Books By Ronnie W. Rogers If Only You Would Ask We can know that if we pray, some outcomes will be different than if we do not pray because God made many promises conditioned on whether we ask. These promises relate to a galaxy of concerns and needs that are important to us and God,…
Read MoreDoes God Love All or Some? Comparing Biblical Extensivism and Calvinism’s Exclusivism
My most recent book Does God Love All or Some? includes thirty-four chapters that address Calvinist arguments such as libertarian freedom undermines God’s sovereignty, rejecting Calvinism requires a weak view of depravity, what about those who never hear the gospel? I show how we know God’s salvific love is Extensive, extends to every person,…
Read MoreDid God Create Some People for Wrath? Well No! Romans 9:19-23
Romans 9:22-23 is often cited to demonstrate God’s sovereign choice in creating some people for eternal destruction so that he might demonstrate his wrath while making other people to be recipients of his eternal mercy. This understanding highlights God’s eternal, unconditional election. This way, God could put his wrath and mercy on display, which otherwise…
Read MoreGod, Creation, and Sin: Calvinism’s Dilemma
The Bible is clear that God loves righteousness and holiness, abhors sin, and desires his creation to choose righteousness and holiness. This is evident prior to the fall (Gen 2:17), immediately subsequent to the fall as seen in his swift judgment upon sin (Gen 3:14-24); the repeated calls for holiness prior to his covenant with…
Read MoreCalvinists Say Blame and Honor Determined Man
The determinism of Calvinism is best understood as micro-determinism because it is not limited to the area of salvation (including reprobation). Well-known moderate Calvinist Millard Erickson, in contrasting Calvinism and Arminianism, says of Calvinism, “Calvinists believe that God’s plan is logically prior and that human decisions and actions are a consequence. With respect to the…
Read MoreBelow Is a Blogger’s Response to an Article I Wrote for SBC Today
I begin by quoting the statement he used from my article and then note his assessment. My response follows. You quoted me, “the gospel, according to Calvinism, is that God ‘loves to save some sinners and equally loves to damn most sinners to eternal torment.” You said that my statement was “patently false” and that…
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