
Can a Christian Have a Tattoo?

By Ronnie W. Rogers / February 22, 2007 / Comments Off on Can a Christian Have a Tattoo?

I was recently asked about tattoos, and I must say that this is not the first time. It seems that tattoos can be found on almost every kind of person today regardless of sex, race, social status, or faith. The sheer prevalence of tattoos makes them an issue that Christians cannot ignore. Read the following…

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Age of Accountability: Fact or Fiction

By Ronnie W. Rogers / February 19, 2007 / Comments Off on Age of Accountability: Fact or Fiction

The question of what happens to children when they die before being saved by faith in Jesus Christ has been a question that has been raised and debated for centuries. However, when someone has a child die, it needs to be answered, and I believe it can be. Age of Accountability: Fact or Fiction

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Sovereignty and Free Will

By Ronnie W. Rogers / February 2, 2007 / Comments Off on Sovereignty and Free Will

I am often asked about the co-existence of God’s sovereignty and man’s free choice. Recently, I briefly answered a couple of questions regarding this. See the article below. microsoft-word-sovereignty-free-will-question-2-2-07.pdf

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Marriage for Life

By Ronnie W. Rogers / January 29, 2007 / Comments Off on Marriage for Life

The Bible is very clear about God’s design for marriage being one man and one woman married for life. Unfortunately, divorce is not only rampant in our culture, but it is quite prevalent in our churches. At Trinity, the elders became increasingly burdened over the problem of some Christian marriages failing to thrive and situations…

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Making Christians Relevant to the Work of The Kingdom

By Ronnie W. Rogers / January 24, 2007 / Comments Off on Making Christians Relevant to the Work of The Kingdom

The ministry of the local church is being undermined by well-intentioned pastors and Christians who fail to understand the essential need for maturing Christians through the teaching of the Scripture or either they are unwilling to stay committed to the somewhat unglamorous task. This lack of commitment to maturing believers, for which shepherds were given…

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The Pastor and His Marriage

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 20, 2006 / Comments Off on The Pastor and His Marriage

The role of a pastor is critical in God’s plan for the local church; consequently, his qualifications are paramount when considering who is qualified to serve as pastor and who is disqualified. While several characteristics are necessary for a man to be eligible to serve as a pastor, none seem to garner as much attention…

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Inerrancy Chart

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 14, 2006 / Comments Off on Inerrancy Chart

Christians who believe that the autographs of the Scripture are without error use the term inerrancy to describe their belief; however, others place different adjectives with inerrancy in order to use the term without believing that the autographs are without error.

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Can a Christian Be Demon Possessed?

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 13, 2006 / Comments Off on Can a Christian Be Demon Possessed?

Read more to find out the Scriptural basis of this answer. Christians and Demon possession, arguments for and against, 9-26-24

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Cremation: Is It a Pattern That Christians Should Follow?

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 13, 2006 / Comments Off on Cremation: Is It a Pattern That Christians Should Follow?

Throughout history, inhumation (burial) and cremation have been practiced, sometimes simultaneously in the same culture (Roman and Greek). Each have enjoyed various times of prominence and preference within various cultures. However, the Christian era brought with it the practice of inhumation and sought to eliminate cremation, basically reserving that for times of plague or for…

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Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

By Ronnie W. Rogers / December 13, 2006 / Comments Off on Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

Baptism and The Lord’s Supper

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