Marxists Do Not Need a Majority to Win in America
Marxists do not need to become the majority to take power away from the powers that be or even the country as a whole. They do not need the Communist Party to be a majority party. Nor do they need a majority of the people to like or understand Marxism. History attests to this reality.…
Read MorePatriotism is Not Fascism Fascism is a political philosophy in which the national leader is a dictator, usually favoring a specific race, such as Mussolini[1] and Hitler did,[2] “in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation.”[3] Fascism is supported by a centrally controlled capitalist economy in which the dictator holds…
Read MoreSocialist America Will Lead to Communist America
Communism and socialism embrace a revolutionary ideology. They are both committed to transforming capitalism from a free market economy to a planned centralized economy, whether by revolution or through the long process of problematization, destruction of the present order, and replacement with Marxian-socialism.[1] Democratic socialists believe this change can happen through the democratic process. However,…
Read MoreA Marxist Plan to Transform American Education to Critical Education
Critical Marxist educator Michael Apple is one of the most significant critical (Marxist) educational leaders in transforming education in America to being thoroughly Marxist from K-12 and all college levels. In the following extensive quote, he lays out his plan, which I think summarizes the Critical Marxist approach to transform education so that all practices…
Read MoreSeparating Critical Race Theory from Marxism is Impossible!
Regardless if people, particularly Christians, are adopting critical race theory (CRT) while seeking to maintain their distance from and disdain for Marxism, the founders and leaders of CRT have made that disassociation impossible. They do this by explicit and implicit statements, promoting the same values as Marxists, whom they credit as the sources of their…
Read MoreThe Marxian-Socialist Advances against Capitalism Do Affect the Gospel
The battle between Marxian-socialism cannot be reduced to a political or economic discussion devoid of spiritual consequences.[1] Two things that are decided in the political and economic realm do affect evangelism and worldwide missions. The first is the freedom granted by our constitution and laws to speak freely, evangelize according to the Christian faith, and…
Read MoreHow Marxism and Critical Race Theory Plan to Topple Christianity and America
I believe there was systemic and structural racism in America’s past. Such can be seen in objective ways like slavery, discriminatory practices, and laws during reconstruction and post-slavery agreements, unions, and segregation–Jim Crow laws. I do not believe ubiquitous systemic and structural racism exists in America today. Those who promote that it does, do so…
Read MoreThe False Security of Capitalism against Communism
People in free capitalist countries like America often have false security regarding the threat of Marxism. Two ideas feed this false security. First, they believe that Marxism can never get the needed majority of support to be a threat in America. Second, they believe the evidence for the superiority of capitalism is so strong that…
Read MoreCritical Theory: A Marxist Call to Radicalize Citizens and Our Children for Revolution
Marxist educator, Michael Apple, said, “Yet it is crucial to remind ourselves . . . Marx felt that the ultimate task of philosophy and theory was not merely to ‘comprehend reality’ but to change it.”[1] This is the essence of Critical Theory (CT) developed by neo-Marxists Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno, even though Marx was…
Read MoreActs 2 and 4 Are Not Examples of Socialism
Acts 2:44–45 and 4:32–35 are often used to justify the claim that the Bible supports socialism. For example, Luke says, “And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need” (Acts 2:44–45).…
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