
An Open Letter from the Elders of Trinity Baptist Church

By Ronnie W. Rogers / July 15, 2013 / Comments Off on An Open Letter from the Elders of Trinity Baptist Church

The elders of TBC are grateful for the years that the Boy Scouts of America have faithfully taught young boys character development and values-based leadership training. We have been both supportive and encouraged by their historic strong stand for biblical values as the basis and guide for their training and character development of these young…

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Think About IT: A Voice from the Past Is Right Again

By Ronnie W. Rogers / April 13, 2013 / Comments Off on Think About IT: A Voice from the Past Is Right Again

Many modern voices asseverate that the new definitions and models of morals, family, and marriage are the fuel to take America to the next level of freedom, but is that really where we are headed? Carle C. Zimmerman lived 1897-1983. He was an eminent Harvard sociologist. He looked at Greek and Roman civilizations and then…

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Religious Intolerance and Hostility Increasing

By Ronnie W. Rogers / March 28, 2013 / Comments Off on Religious Intolerance and Hostility Increasing

The following is a reminder of the ever increasing hostility toward religion in general and Christianity in particular. Two things are driving much of this. First is the secularization of the west. Second is the expansion of Islam. Although strange “bedfellows” who actually seek to ultimately eliminate the other, they both increase persecution of Christians.…

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By Ronnie W. Rogers / March 21, 2013 / Comments Off on TEAR DOWN THAT WALL!

It is important to recognize that the phrase ‘a wall of separation’ does not appear in the Declaration of Independence[1] or the Constitution.[2] As is rather well known, it is a phrase used by Thomas Jefferson in his 1802 missive responding to the Danbury Baptists’ congratulatory letter. The first time Jefferson was quoted in a…

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Think About IT: Samuel Adams, the Declaration before the Declaration of Independence

By Ronnie W. Rogers / March 14, 2013 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Samuel Adams, the Declaration before the Declaration of Independence

Samuel Adams was known by his contemporaries as the father of the Revolution. With reference to inalienable rights and equality for all as opposed to the idea of superior rights for some and the idea that royalty alone was to be privileged with the richest blessings of God, Adams said in a speech on American…

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Think About IT: The Decline of Christianity and Charity

By Ronnie W. Rogers / February 27, 2013 / Comments Off on Think About IT: The Decline of Christianity and Charity

“Interestingly, today, 68.4% of all religious-based non-governmental organizations are either Christian (57.4%) or Jewish (11%). Where the legacy of the biblical tradition is weakest, so is charitable giving. In his recent survey of the data, Who Really Cares: America’s Charity Divide, Syracuse University professor Arthur C. Brooks maintains that: There is so little private charity…

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Think About IT: Minimizing Post-Teens’ Faith Departure

By Ronnie W. Rogers / February 21, 2013 / Comments Off on Think About IT: Minimizing Post-Teens’ Faith Departure

Alarming amounts of young people leave active Christianity when they leave the youth group. Experts give many reasons for this: parents who do not live the faith, hypocrisy in the church, lack of mentors, to name a few. While I believe the reversal of all these is vital, I also believe it to be insufficient.…

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Think About IT: The Supreme Court Is Not Supreme over “The Consent of the Governed”

By Ronnie W. Rogers / February 14, 2013 / Comments Off on Think About IT: The Supreme Court Is Not Supreme over “The Consent of the Governed”

Thomas Jefferson said, “To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions [is] a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as honest as other men and not more so. They have with others the same passions for party, for…

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The Bigger the Government, the Better the Economy—REALLY!

By Ronnie W. Rogers / January 17, 2013 / Comments Off on The Bigger the Government, the Better the Economy—REALLY!

You may have heard and will probably continue to hear the term “Keynesian” economics if you listen to discussions about our economic woes. “J. M. Keynes (1883-1946) was a British economist. Keynesian economics is pedestaled upon “the presumption that government spending, whether for munitions or other goods, creates an addition to the economy’s aggregate demand,…

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The Anti-Federalists Foresaw the Federal Government’s Abuse of Right to Tax

By Ronnie W. Rogers / January 3, 2013 / Comments Off on The Anti-Federalists Foresaw the Federal Government’s Abuse of Right to Tax

The Anti-Federalists argued against the Federalists that the Constitution gave too much power to the federal government and potentiated “usurpations” of power, “invasions” of the people’s rights, and a “consolidated” government.[1] The Federalists believed the “Constitution’s exquisite design”[2] would prevent such violations. Also, both Madison and Hamilton argued that the people and militias would prevent…

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