
The Nature of Man Before and After The Fall

By Ronnie W. Rogers / September 30, 2024 / Comments Off on The Nature of Man Before and After The Fall

What you believe about man’s nature is at the center of all spiritual and societal determinations. The only belief that is more significant is what a person believes about God. Genesis chapters 1 and 2 tell us how God created the first man and woman. God then delegated dominion over the rest of creation to…

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I Am Troubled about an ERLC Article on Abortion

By Ronnie W. Rogers / November 25, 2019 / Comments Off on I Am Troubled about an ERLC Article on Abortion

Phoebe Cates wrote an article that is posted on the ERLC website entitled, “Why our hearts matter when talking about Abortion.” I agree with the title of the article. We should have a broken heart over the tragedy of every abortion and a tender heart toward every person who needs Christ. We should approach the…

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Understanding the Danger of Equating Social Justice with Biblical Justice

By Ronnie W. Rogers / November 26, 2018 / Comments Off on Understanding the Danger of Equating Social Justice with Biblical Justice

The following resources provide an understanding of the social justice movement of our day, and why many Christian leaders reject it as culturally defined. These resources expose and explain the basis of social justice ideology and vocabulary. The social justice movement is not sanitized just because it is accepted by some Christian leaders and uses…

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Jehovah and Allah Are Not the Same!

By Ronnie W. Rogers / October 29, 2018 / Comments Off on Jehovah and Allah Are Not the Same!

Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? Some say yes. I say no. Those who say they are the same do so based upon similarities between Allah and Jehovah. Those who hold the sameness position say Muslims worship the same God as Christians but do so with errors in their understanding of God. That…

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Clearing Up Some Ethical Confusion

By Ronnie W. Rogers / October 1, 2018 / Comments Off on Clearing Up Some Ethical Confusion

Ethical decisions are a part of everyday life, and it is incumbent upon Christians to make moral and ethical decisions based upon the teaching of Scripture. Some of these decisions seem very easy; for example, murder, lying, and stealing are wrong, and truth-telling, mercy, and sacrifice are good. As clear as those seem to be,…

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The Vulgarization of Christ’s Church: Combatting Progressivism’s Damning Influence upon Christian Thinking and Preaching

By Ronnie W. Rogers / May 1, 2017 / Comments Off on The Vulgarization of Christ’s Church: Combatting Progressivism’s Damning Influence upon Christian Thinking and Preaching

My new book is available in paperback and Kindle, along with my other books at Amazon The Vulgarization of Christ’s Church seeks to clarify and demonstrate the incalculable and injurious influence that progressive education has had and is having upon preaching, thinking Christianly, and the local church. Progressive education began at the turn of the twentieth century,…

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The Need to Equip the Saints

By Ronnie W. Rogers / November 7, 2016 / Comments Off on The Need to Equip the Saints

When Christians experience prolonged infancy and satisfaction with milk beyond normal infancy, they will have an immature and incomplete Christian worldview, which inevitably results in them advocating ideas that are merely human wisdom. George Barna’s research revealed, “Only 9% of all American adults have a biblical worldview. [Those labeled] born again Christians, the study discovered…

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The Importance of Apologetics in Evangelism

By Ronnie W. Rogers / June 20, 2016 / Comments Off on The Importance of Apologetics in Evangelism

Apologetics, which is intellectually stimulating as well as hard work, is critical to engaging our culture. It is a fallacious juxtaposition to ask should we seek to engage people with only the simple gospel, apologetics, or a loving life because it is not either/or but all of the above working in concert. Truly loving people…

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Think About IT: The Limits of Scientific Knowledge about God

By Ronnie W. Rogers / May 6, 2014 / Comments Off on Think About IT: The Limits of Scientific Knowledge about God

Science cannot say that there is no God, no evidence for God, or that God is not knowable because He is by definition beyond the detectability of laboratory experiments, and His existence offers the best inferential answer to explain some observable data.[1] As far as Richard Dawkins naturalistic assertion “that what is knowable is what…

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Think About IT: The Battle We Cannot Ignore

By Ronnie W. Rogers / February 11, 2014 / Comments Off on Think About IT: The Battle We Cannot Ignore

Francis Schaeffer (1912 – 1984) was a Christian pastor and apologist. He is responsible for helping countless pastors and Christian leaders to think more broadly and deeply about God and our world. He considered himself an evangelist. The following is a timely quote by him from almost thirty years ago. “Make no mistake. We as…

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