Ronnie W. Rogers
I was asked to participate in a panel discussion at the University of Oklahoma on the place of reason in the Christian faith. These are the notes that I used. microsoft-word-reason-and-faith-do-they-conflict-4-16-03.pdf
Read MoreI was asked to participate on a panel discussing the biblical teaching on homosexuality, and the following are my notes from that panel.
Read MoreEveryone is influenced by mass media, but not everyone is aware of the bias in reporting and what causes the bias. What are some of the things that cause media bias?
Read MoreI was asked to provide some questions for the moderator of a lottery debate in Oklahoma, and I suggested the following:
Read MoreChristians who believe that the autographs of the Scripture are without error use the term inerrancy to describe their belief; however, others place different adjectives with inerrancy in order to use the term without believing that the autographs are without error.
Read MoreFree-agency-vs-determinism-4-10-06.pdf
Read MoreEvangelism-in-Men’s Franternity-a-response-11-2-06.pdf
Read MoreRead more to find out the Scriptural basis of this answer. Christians and Demon possession, arguments for and against, 9-26-24
Read Moredeterminism-evolution-and-free-will-defense-of-christianity-4-06-06.pdf
Read MoreThroughout history, inhumation (burial) and cremation have been practiced, sometimes simultaneously in the same culture (Roman and Greek). Each have enjoyed various times of prominence and preference within various cultures. However, the Christian era brought with it the practice of inhumation and sought to eliminate cremation, basically reserving that for times of plague or for…
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