Ronnie W. Rogers
The ministry of the local church is being undermined by well-intentioned pastors and Christians who fail to understand the essential need for maturing Christians through the teaching of the Scripture or either they are unwilling to stay committed to the somewhat unglamorous task. This lack of commitment to maturing believers, for which shepherds were given…
Read MoreThe role of a pastor is critical in God’s plan for the local church; consequently, his qualifications are paramount when considering who is qualified to serve as pastor and who is disqualified. While several characteristics are necessary for a man to be eligible to serve as a pastor, none seem to garner as much attention…
Read MoreSome good resources on understanding public education.
Read MoreA friend of mine was in a position of bringing philosophers, theologians, and scientists together. He heard arguments from evolutionary scientists arguing that the mere possible existence of God undermined science. He wrote William Dembski and me for a response.
Read MoreI was asked to participate in a panel discussion at the University of Oklahoma on the place of reason in the Christian faith. These are the notes that I used. microsoft-word-reason-and-faith-do-they-conflict-4-16-03.pdf
Read MoreI was asked to participate on a panel discussing the biblical teaching on homosexuality, and the following are my notes from that panel.
Read MoreEveryone is influenced by mass media, but not everyone is aware of the bias in reporting and what causes the bias. What are some of the things that cause media bias?
Read MoreI was asked to provide some questions for the moderator of a lottery debate in Oklahoma, and I suggested the following:
Read MoreChristians who believe that the autographs of the Scripture are without error use the term inerrancy to describe their belief; however, others place different adjectives with inerrancy in order to use the term without believing that the autographs are without error.
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