Ronnie W. Rogers
I love to visit England and would be delighted to visit other European countries. However, this fondness for sojourning in Europe in order to drink from the abundant fountains of history is markedly distinct from a desire for the U.S. to become England’s twin. If my recollection of history is correct, there was a time…
Read MoreWithout a doubt, you are familiar with Hitler’s attempt to produce a better race by elimination of those with “inheritable undesirable traits”, which is known as negative eugenics whereas encouraging reproduction by persons with “inheritable desirable traits” is referred to as positive eugenics. Well, Darwinist were promoting and practicing the same thing in the United…
Read MoreDarwin says, “The aid which we feel impelled to give to the helpless is mainly an incidental result of the instinct of sympathy, which was originally acquired as part of the social instincts…” ((Charles Darwin, Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, (originally published 1871: reprint with introduction published New York: Barnes &…
Read MoreRecently I was asked a series of questions regarding the application of Christian principles in the area of entertainment. Although these are neither exhaustive nor thorough, I hope you find them helpful. Q: More and more we see the church looks like the world. One area is entertainment – the music we listen to, the…
Read MoreDarwin is often presented as a simple scientist, with no axe to grind, to wit no preconceived ideas tainting his conclusions, and simply following the facts to wherever they lead. The following are a few quotes that may call that noble description into question. Darwin said, concerning man’s origin and descent, “The main conclusion…is that…
Read MoreDarwin expresses his dismay and discouragement because, in comparison to how very scrupulous a man is about the pedigree of his livestock, when it comes to his own marriage, “…he rarely, or never, takes any such care. He is impelled by nearly the same motives as the lower animals, when they are left to their…
Read MoreDarwin asseverated that, “…Species are produced and terminated by slowly acting and still existing causes, and not by miraculous acts of creation and by catastrophes.” ((Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection, (Originally published by John Murray, London, in 1859: reprint with introduction by Michael T. Ghiselin, Mineola, NY: Dover…
Read MoreDr. David Wells is Distinguished Senior Research Professor at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts. He can be depended upon to offer valuable insight into biblical questions as he does so succinctly here: Where Christian faith is offered as a means of finding personal wholeness rather than holiness, the church has become worldly. There are many…
Read MoreMany Baptists who had been persecuted (my sermons entitled “Those Darn Baptists” demonstrate this) in colonial New England for preaching the gospel were deeply concerned that the proposed Constitution did not go far enough in guaranteeing liberty of conscience in religious freedom. The approval of nine states was required to ratify the Constitution, and Rhode…
Read MoreWe are still reeling from ‘Climategate’ and now ‘Himalayangate’. What is now being dubbed as “climate gate”, where a hacker has breached the computers at Hadley CRU, Britain’s largest climate research institute and a proponent of global warming, discovering e-mails that reveal evidence of serious and widespread fraud. The director of Britain’s leading Climate Research…
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