Ronnie W. Rogers
Some of you have asked about my message at the Religious Freedom Rally in June, which was held at the Cox Center. I was one of a host of speakers. Consequently, I spoke briefly, and below are my remarks. GO HOME: ALL OF YOU GO HOME: Go back to your churches, freely practice your religion…
Read MoreRead the following carefully. It is supposed to be a critique of my theological position found in my book Reflections of a Disenchanted Calvinist. Please note, this Calvinist and my brother in Christ says all of this without having read my book–this all comes from an interview of my testimony on –and please note what he says…
Read MoreUnder the present ahistorical “separation of church and state” model, religious freedom was once again curtailed. The present church and state milieu says religious freedom is restricted where the federal government is involved, and the jurisdiction of the federal government just greatly expanded; thus, the freedom to exercise religious faith ipso jure diminished albeit circuitously…
Read MoreThe following is a copy of the letter that I sent to Dr. Piper regarding one of the quotes I used from him. I used the quote in a public way, and so in like manner is my apology. Dear Dr. Piper, My name is Ronnie W. Rogers, and I am writing to you in…
Read MoreAs noted earlier, SBC Today published an interview with me regarding my book, Reflections of a Disenchanted Calvinist, as well as a four part series on my chapter entitled “The Lamb’s Book of Life: who’s in and who’s out? As you can imagine, there were many responses. The editor of SBC Today has been kind…
Read published a two part interview with me about the book. This was followed by a four part series on my chapter entitled “The Lamb’s Book of Life: who’s in and who’s out? There are some pretty good discussions between Calvinists and those that are not. The articles ran July 16th through July 21st. Check…
Read MoreRecently, James White, a very strong Calvinist presented what he packaged as a critique of Reflections of A Disenchanted Calvinist on his Radio program. He spent an hour “critiquing” it. I was hopeful for a serious review from the Calvinist position, but I was disappointed. I am grateful to Peter Lumpkins, who operates sbc tomorrow,…
Read MoreIn the first few years of my Christian life, I did not talk about my devotionals much because they simply did not fit the common understanding of a devotional. Rather than reading a light devotional or just skimming the Scripture for personal application, I loved delving into the verses, words, theology, and original language. One…
Read MoreWhen Handel’s Messiah was first performed in London, 1743, in the presence of King George the II, King George rose from his seat, with head bowed, when he heard the Hallelujah chorus. By this he signified that Jesus was the true King of Kings and Lord of Lords. “And on His robe and on His…
Read MoreAlthough I do not normally read or respond to reviews of my books, I did respond to this one that appeared on Amazon. It is precisely the puddle jumping techniques that I address in the book. The first is what the reviewer said, and then my response. (We did not seek to correct his grammar,…
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