Ronnie W. Rogers
Loving God and knowing Scripture are inseparable! The Jews were bewildered by the spiritualness and penetrating insight of Christ’s teaching because He had not been trained by the rabbinical school of His day. Jesus made it clear that He was taught of God. Of course, this prompts the question on their part, how can one…
Read MoreThe mantra of our day is equal rights and free speech unless of course one is expressing biblical morality. Equal rights really are more equal for some than for others. “[I]n 2002, police were called to a disturbance in Brighton, England, in which an elderly man had been assaulted, knocked to the ground, and pelted…
Read MoreOur worship of God can never surpass our thankfulness to God. While people would agree that God is most honored by worship from a thankful heart, many times our thankfulness is lessened by our tethered complaints. People often seek to thank God for a blessing, and then immediately explain their frustrations with God. For example,…
Read MoreThis article contains the thoughts upon which I based my message Sunday morning October 6, 2013. It is intended to be of supplemental value for those who heard the actual message. If you have not heard the message, some of the information will be more difficult to understand. You may download the message at our…
Read MoreHomosexuals never tire of comparing themselves to blacks and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. Is it analogous? Well no, but it is effective. If successful in convincing the public that the plight of blacks is now the plight of the homosexual, they gain all of the rhetorical power of the Civil Rights Movement.…
Read MoreHumans are created in the image of God with soft-libertarian (incompatible) free will. This means that humans can choose, within the range of choices, to act or refrain, and whatever they do in fact choose they could have chosen otherwise. Many have argued that it is impossible to create such a being and guarantee that…
Read MoreThomas Jefferson was generally supported by Baptists and anti-federalists, but disfavored by Congregationalists, federalists, and others who believed in a stronger relationship between church and state. Jefferson and the Baptists worked closely in Virginia to disestablish the Anglican church and establish religious freedom for dissenters. Baptists supported Jefferson’s bid for president because of his commitment…
Read MoreOn January 1, 1802, newly elected President Thomas Jefferson received an unusual gift of mammoth proportions.[1] It was delivered to him by John Leland (1754-1841), a Baptist preacher. The piece of cheese was more than four feet in diameter, thirteen feet in circumference, and seventeen inches in height. Once cured, it weighed in at 1,235…
Read MoreElsewhere, I develop this more fully as well as lay out historical, constitutional, and intellectual arguments for an alternative to the “separation” model for governing the relationship of church and state, which I call The Proportional Accommodation and Appreciation Model.[1] This article focus is only the moral argument. The problem is that secularists often, successfully, seek to…
Read MoreChurch membership has been variously determined at different times and places in the history of the church. At first, belonging to a local church was by free choice, but as the church and state became more integrated, church membership was often determined by one’s geographical location. The Reformation accomplished many things, but it did not…
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